gorgeous rig...love the front on shot of the bow...looks like you could land a chopper on it
Hey scott,I was awake when he was talking to you.
Just kickin back on the bean bag mate.It was hard not to chill out.lol
Cheers Troy
Must be nice to chiill out in a bean bag with 20knots of Northerly. Looks great.
Cheers Scott
Yeah its hard to take mate.lol
I have been told 2 day that the pictures are on the way tonite.
Cheers Troy
bloody awesome rig,still using them platics hey troy
Is this the 'for sale' section?? LOL nah, I couldn't afford to maintain those two beasts let alone the fuel. Great boat, do you use all that space around the front tho? Don't suppose you can fish from there. Still, beautiful rig. Thanks for sharing the photos.
Yeh we had the bean bags up on the bow with our feet on the rails casting plastics heaps of room.
We also used to use the room in the console.We had a person up the front and two down the back.
Hey baldie they both are awesome rigs.Looking foward to many adventures in the new 1.
Cheers Troy
Here are the long awaited pictures.
Cheers Troy
Awesome rig there troy. Is nigel entering the Redcliffe 8kg Billfish Challenge in January? Its the 25th Anniversary Tournament and the Prize pool is HUGE. The Boat Club renovations should be finished so it should be the biggest and best yet.
Hey greg im very sure it wil be there for the comp.Looking foward to another great time this year.
Cheers Troy
Hey troy. I can't believe the dog (daryl) is allowed on a vessel like that. Well out of place for such an animal...
Cheers. Keith
I know keith we had to lower our standards.
He makes us all look less pretty.loll.
Cheers Troy
I am jealous! Beautiful boat... I think I would cry if I got it dirty...