Yep buy more photogrphy mags nowdays than Fishing mags..last night prior to heading into work i stopped by the local newsagency see which new mags had arrive so picked up "Australian Digital Photography" and some other magazine i thought was Australian also only to get to work and find it was an English publication and mostly full of adds..
Cut a story short i took it back and the lady behind the counter was kind enough to refund which i purchased anothery in its place 50% dearer than the one i returned..
Just sat down for a feed in the cribroom and had a quick squizz through this mag and had to get back here and tell anyone interested to head down to your local newsagency and purchase it prior to it selling out..
In all the years of purchasing Photography Magazines mainly for whats new on the market and what i can learn out of them??? and in most cases being dissapointed due to the amopunt of adds!!, i have to confess this one is by far the best!!!..
164 pages of advice from levels, Curves,sharpening , Kevs favourite HDR , how to and what its all about to the knobs n doohickies in most DSLR's to printing and setting up your monitor..
One magazine which wont go onto the mag heap but will get filed away fer sure...$14.95 Mindya but for my two bobs worth its $$ well spent( maybe the first time ever for a magazine lol....Especially $14.95