Well its my wife's Birthday today, so when I asked what she wanted to do, she replied "lets go fishing". Cool says I, so we hook the boat up and hit the waters of the Gold Coast at around midday (very civilized.
I hoped to get on to a few new spots for the upcoming Flathead Classic whilst getting Germana onto some bream and maybe a flattie or two. Well as is usual she's got a couple in the boat before I have wet a line. A good start but things are very slow with the strong Northerlies and still a bit of snot weed about, so our expectations aren't high.
With only an hour or so to do some exploring we find ourselves moving about a bit, casting 70mm Sqidgy Poddies and 3" Gulp Shrimp at likely looking spots. A few taps and nothing to show for it I am getting the feeling it could be another donut for me.
One last spot and as I put out the electric I notice a pelican activly feeding - always a good sign. Two casts later and I feel the tell tale hit of a big flattie engulfing the poddy. I set the hook and the little Tierra starts singing that tune that all fishoes love to hear. I can feel each big tail beat and headshake through the 15lb Suffix braid & 12lb Sunline FC leader, slowly I gain some line and sight the big girl, I guess its in the mid 80's and then start worrying how we are going to net her with the net I usually use on bream
. Well I getthe fish pointing the right way and Germana slides the net around her head (the flatties not Germana's
) , once she's half in (that's all that's going to fit
) I throw down the rod and between use we lift her into the boat.
With knees trembling we put her on the brag mat and NEW PB FOR MEshe goes 94cm. A couple of quick pics and I swim her for a minute or so and she swims strongly away to terrorise just about anything.
Now If I can only find her again during the Flathead Classic.
A 94 seems like a good time to call it a day, so back to the ramp we head.
Gotta say though, even though it was Germana's Birthday, looks like I got the best present