Well done on the trip, mate. I'd write more but I can feel the green eyed monster beginning to take over.
Well done on the trip, mate. I'd write more but I can feel the green eyed monster beginning to take over.
Hi Katie,
I'll be back to The Big A soon, but not before the Faust trip, 4/10 to 25/10![]()
Will possibly drop in on the way back for a big girl or three![]()
Stewie is supposed to be going to Faust with me but i haven't seen him for a month or so, he's gone walkabout somewhere in central Aus. so if he dosen't get back i'll take somebody else.
Will you be at Faust in Oct.???
Steve, it was a heavy fish mate, but we only measured it, the first reading on the mat read 117cm after i put her back in the water Trev said there was a little fold in the mat and that it would have been around 115cm.The photo of the fish on the mat doesn't seem to show a fold but who knows it was still a great fish and a fantastic feeling
Yeah mate, Trev is slaying them up there at the moment and good on him it couldn't happen to a better bloke. Unfortunately it was a bit quite while i was there and really hotted up when i left but you get that. It seems that Mondy also fired up about a day later![]()
Sorry i missed you when i called into Foxies and visited the gang (or some of them) out at the camp ground on the Friday. Will catch up one day at Mondy.
Mate great read and great fish. No wonder you took so long to write the report because your arms have just come back to the right length.![]()
Memories of a life time catching fish like that!
I suppose the tackle is tested to the max? Hooks used?![]()
Good report,
Well done.
G'Day Brian,
Good to finally meet you last Saturday, it was a bloody good day mate![]()
Yeah mate the tackle is well and truely tested, if there is a weak link those big
girls soon find it![]()
I used the new Hollow Bellies just released by Berkley and i had to find a better jighead than i had so i used a 7/0 Gamakatsu Worm 323 Monster with a No 3 split shot crimped onto the shank![]()
Thats what got the two biggest fish![]()
Thanks for the reply.
Good read there John ....... You may not have got the quantity , but you sure did get the quality ........ well done & nice catching up with you on the return journey![]()
Not long till Faust ....... I reckon you might have a good trip
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Thanks Chris,
In hind sight it would have been better if i had got all my stuff for Faust ready before i went to Awoonga and then did Awoonga a week later.
Yeah mate just over a week to go now and i hear the big girls are starting to move around up there as well, i hope so as the last 2 years they have been fairly tough through the cold conditions.
Three weeks is going to be a hoot, with a bit of salt water thrown in to boot.
G'day John.
Great fish mate... the photo's say it all. A dam good read too... Trev really must put on a good show at the Big A eh?
115 or 117... still a good solid fish!
Cheers mate. Hope to meet you at Tinaroo or Faust one day.
Hi John thanks for the report mate it was great to meet you out on the water with Trev that day. My anchor wouldn't hold as it was blowing the dog off a chain weather.
Great to hear you still managed fish as it got a bit tougher that arvo compared to the bite mid morning to mid arvo. A couple of fish on that arvo would have been equal to 10+ fish on a good day mate.
I thought i was going to be fishing with you on my boat as i called Trev to see what he was up to and he said " i need a favour, John is up here to go fishing with me but i have boat trouble, do you mind if John goes fishing with you?"
I said " yes all is good send him over we can fish this afternoon if he likes?"
When i saw you guys on the water i was happy to see you were getting another crack at those magical Awoonga Barra.
We will have to catchup around a campfire next time mate. On the menu this time were rib fillet sambo's from the Gin Gin butcher as per usual. They went down a treat with a coldie.
Cheers Lyndon.
Thanks mate, any Barra is a good fish in my book, but i just love those big girls. Always a real buzz when you manage to get one for a quick picture and then to see her swim off is just as good as catching one. Don't forget mate i'll be at Faust 4th to 25th Oct, will possibilly have a few days down in the salt.
Yeah mate it was good to finally catch up, Trev told me of your offer to fish if he could not make it, thanks for that, this family of barra fishers is bloody fantastic.
I got the call from Trev, come down to the ramp, so off i go, all the gear in the back. Find Trev, he has been on the lake for two hours with the tech. tryting to get the E-Tec running properly, no luck but we go off fishing, no luck there either.
Back to the ramp after an hour or two, i hold the boat while Trev ducks home to get some fuel, lunch etc.
I actually saw you launch your boat Bass Boss, i was holding Trev's boat near the bottom of the ramp and when Trev came we wereoff again.
That wind was a real bugger and bloody cold too not good fishing weather.
Thanks again for the replies.