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15 Barra from Tinaroo
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Thread: 15 Barra from Tinaroo

  1. #1

    15 Barra from Tinaroo

    Due to the monthly flexi day, I once again headed up to Tinaroo for a couple of days of relaxation.

    I fished Friday (4 fish) and Saturday (11 fish) arvo from about midday till after dusk for a total of 15 barra, with the biggest caught being 78cm, 25 hits and 6 jump offs.

    No fish hooked were over about 80 cms, and I only managed to spook one meterey in a shallow weedy bay. I will be back to this bay, as there was perfect structural conditions to hold more fish, especially in the wamer night conditions coming soon. I was really happy to find this spot after having yet another search for future water to fish in varying conditions.

    The fish were in large numbers in certain locations that I fished, and where I found one, I found more of these feisty little fellows. It was a lot of fun alternating between lures once I caught a few fish on each lure. I would start with a Squidgy pro 110 then change to the Big Gold/Olivia Bombers then to Boney Bream and start the process over again. It seemed to work a treat. Variation was the key when they went of the bite to get them chewing, or hitting a different lure after missing the first attempt.

    I fished heavily in the northern regions of the dam, only heading to the southern end for the dusk barra happy hour.

    It was really windy throughout the arvos, dying of late closer towards dusk, which made the conditions favourable for the areas I was targeting.

    One of the barra I caught (photo inclosed) was hooked by the Olivia bomber on its back, giving me the impression of a bigger fish initially. It hit the lure after a larger model had jumped me off at the beginning of the retrieve.

    Some of the fish caught/hooked were on consecutive cast and of different year classes which was really impressive to see. Future fisheries at Tinaroo looks really promising judging from the weekends findings.

    I have enclosed a few (probably too many ) photos of the future metereys to come. All photos are of different fish



  2. #2

    Re: 15 Barra from Tinaroo

    good fish mate
    no monsters but that is still a lot of barra

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Obi _ Wan's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Re: 15 Barra from Tinaroo

    Great report Matt, thanks mate.

    It looks like the barra all the way up the coast have started to fire up on virtually the same day with good reports coming from Mondy, Awoonga and Faust.

    Bring it on, can't wait to get to Faust in October.

    Thanks again Matt.


  4. #4

    Re: 15 Barra from Tinaroo

    Nice amount of fish, Matt! Thanks for the report.

    That sounded like an awesome session on Saturday - 11 fish is a great result!

    The variation technique sounded like it was working well - we've found that to work in other dams too, especially when fishing one spot.

    What are the water temperatures there at the moment?


  5. #5

    Re: 15 Barra from Tinaroo


    Water temps were varying between about 21-23.5 over the two days. I was focusing more on other fishy factors before temps on this trip. Seemed to come up with the goods though!!!

    I did hit water recently that was a staggering 26.5 two weeks ago.


  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member Fishbait's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: 15 Barra from Tinaroo

    A whole lot of fun there Matt - great work - gotta be stoked with that. Cheers, Darren.

  7. #7

    Re: 15 Barra from Tinaroo

    Hi Matt well done and nice report and photo's. I was going to ask you for more detail in some of your last reports but didn't know how to ask as written words on here aren't as good as a good old face to face chat over a coldie. Steve B said " he will be all good mate". So here goes.

    I'm just interested to find out more about Tinaroo's fishing that's all as it's hard to get good info on dams away from this part of the world. This report gave us lots of info thanks.

    The 3 stage process is a good one and we have had lots of fun with it as well over the years. I've been collecting barra info from my fishing trips and good anglers met over the years and put together information regarding that process from a sporting point of view. I am no guru but i am interested in fishing/thinking and having a good old aussie crack at those impoundment barra as best a travelling fisho can.

    I know people have been using similar methods for a while but it's great to hear some of your techniques that work at Tinaroo as we can all learn from each other.

    Some more info for fellow Ausfisho's: In my travels & research i noted Mitchell has a couple of decades of use with techniques like this on salt & lake barra as the Taylor boys can attest theirs and JM's version also work well. With reports from guys like Matt, JM and Taylors we should all learn a lot this summer.

    Again well done on a great trip, keep up the Tinaroo reports it's a nice part of the world. We will have to have a beer when you get down this way. Steve B might have to go on a water only diet after he had a years worth of xxxx on the weekend ha.

    Cheers Lyndon & Kel

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member TonyM's Avatar
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    Nov 2002

    Re: 15 Barra from Tinaroo

    What a hoot - sounds a lot like Lenthalls before mother nature went berserk over the last 2 years. Hopefully with a bit of luck it will get back to that stage soon (fingers crossed)

    Very cool to see all those year classes in one outing, and when they're around that size you can have a blast with the Bass gear - fun fishing for sure!

    p.s. You can't have too many photos in a Barra report


  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member Steve B's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: 15 Barra from Tinaroo

    Quote Originally Posted by SeekingBarradise View Post
    Hi Matt well done and nice report and photo's. I was going to ask you for more detail in some of your last reports but didn't know how to ask as written words on here aren't as good as a good old face to face chat over a coldie. Steve B said " he will be all good mate". So here goes.

    I'm just interested to find out more about Tinaroo's fishing that's all as it's hard to get good info on dams away from this part of the world. This report gave us lots of info thanks.

    The 3 stage process is a good one and we have had lots of fun with it as well over the years. I've been collecting barra info from my fishing trips and good anglers met over the years and put together information regarding that process from a sporting point of view. I am no guru but i am interested in fishing/thinking and having a good old aussie crack at those impoundment barra as best a travelling fisho can.

    I know people have been using similar methods for a while but it's great to hear some of your techniques that work at Tinaroo as we can all learn from each other.

    Some more info for fellow Ausfisho's: In my travels & research i noted Mitchell has a couple of decades of use with techniques like this on salt & lake barra as the Taylor boys can attest theirs and JM's version also work well. With reports from guys like Matt, JM and Taylors we should all learn a lot this summer.

    Again well done on a great trip, keep up the Tinaroo reports it's a nice part of the world. We will have to have a beer when you get down this way. Steve B might have to go on a water only diet after he had a years worth of xxxx on the weekend ha.

    Cheers Lyndon & Kel
    OOyyyy Lyndon that will be enough from you!

    Well done Matt great fish. I said it before and I will say it again.. I reckon you and Chris will be the dark horses this year in the ABT. I hope all is hotting up nicely for you in the north. Those little fellas are certainly a sign of a great impoundment for the future again...cheers Steve

  10. #10

    Re: 15 Barra from Tinaroo

    Hey Matt,

    Well done mate - racking up some numbers.

    Joe just rang me. He has been out the last few mornings and scored a few all over 110. He dropped one that he said was a 70lb'er - nearly as big as his 135.

    October is looking good mate - can't wait

  11. #11

    Re: 15 Barra from Tinaroo

    15 Barra under 80cm's in 2 Days - you couldnt do that if you tried! Quite remarkable, especially for Tinaroo. Well done Matt!

    Have spent the last week on the Dam running a Leadership Camp for some of the kids at Woree High - beaut week of weather. Managed to sneak in a few casts at what I call 'Taylor Bros. Bay' and it only took 7 or 8 casts to hookup to a brut. It was very hard work fighting this fish from the bank, and without an electric to chase the fish around the sticks it wasn't looking good. Well over a $1.00 as they say these days...

    Hope all is well with the new job.


  12. #12

    Re: 15 Barra from Tinaroo

    Heading to Tinaroo for the first time in a few weeks....hope to catch my first Barra (i'm Victorian). This report looks positive..plenty of good fish about!

  13. #13

    Re: 15 Barra from Tinaroo


    Good luck when you head up here. PM me when you are on your way as I will most likely be up there somewhere

    I think if you are lucky you will be able to replace your avatar with another monster fish hahaha


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