Poo, pick yourself say two or three entry level DSLR's that suit your $$ range and then head over to the Dpreviewe sight and read owners opinions regarding these cameras..The for and against hangups with them..You know some like, say the Canon 20D or the Nikon D70 were yesterdays top entry level DSLR's as was the Pentax K10D for Pentax..
With prices having dropped with camera's like the D3, D700, 5D and so forth having steepd into the arena..
Today you can pick the 20D,D70 etc new at a reasonble price that wont break you piggybank and they still do a top job with the person that reads their manuals and plays around learning their habits..
As for Lens?? there's always Sigma and tamron that wont break your bank either and both these brands bring out a reasonable lens..
Nikkor and Cannon lens are great but you have to pay for them but a guess its the old adage"You get what you pay" for in some cases ey..
Dont be in a hurry the Compact you have now will keep you happy till you know what you want after all its a passion not a Career