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2 lots of tips:
Shooting and saving:
If your camera can shoot in RAW, always shoot in RAW. The disadvantage is that they are big files but now that memory cards are a lot cheaper, there's no reason not to.
Why RAW? RAW is just that.............it's the Raw information that your camera captures without any in camera processing. When you shoot in jpeg, the camera processes the image the way that it's microprocessor has been programmed to. 95% of the time, it will average out pretty well, but if you want control over your image, and want to "develop" it in your digital darkroom the way that you would like, then RAW is the go. After you process your RAW image, you can save it as a tiff, jpeg or any number of different files, but jpeg and tiff are the main ones.
What have you got against jpeg? This is really important as most folk new to photography don't know about this....have you ever noticed over a period of time that a once nice looking digital pic is now looking a bit shabby?......jpegs are a means to an end............they are the finished product that most "labs" expect your files (photos) to be in when they are "developed". The problem with jpegs is that they degrade every time you save them............they throw away a little bit of info each time they are saved. If you are going to work on them.........straighten a horizon, crop, sharpen, or otherwise change them in any way, then do that all in one session and then save, and always save at the highest quality your software will allow. If you crop and save, you will lose a little bit of detail. If you then re-open it at a later date, and decide it needs sharpening and then save it again, you will lose a bit more detail. Avoid major calamities by making a copy and working on that...............don't touch the original unless you have a calamity with the copy. You can also save as a tiff as these don't degrade when you save them, although they are a bigger file...........I have 3 copies of all my pics.........the original RAW, a tiff, and the jpeg which is the completed (developed) "neg" ready for printing.
If your camera doesn't shoot in RAW, then don't worry as long as you observe the rule to work on your jpeg all in one go and only save once.
Those megapixels and what to do if you ain't got 'em:
There is a lot of attention given to how many megs your camera can record and it is generally considered that the more the merrier and this is generally so. If you haven't got an adequate zoom lens and from the sidelines you shoot (with a standard lens) your kiddy playing footy, then you will likely have a large playing field with a tiny kiddy in the middle of it. You can correct this by cropping out the field and enlarging your kiddy to a standard size image (say 6x4). If you do this, you will also be enlarging any imperfections, and pixelation can also occur (you can see the pixels). If you had a 10 meg camera, the faults would not show as much as a camera of lesser megs, so generally it can be seen that the more megs the better when it comes to cropping and enlarging
So is all hope lost for those with only a 3 meg camera if they want to crop and enlarge?.............Contrary to what camera salesmen may tell you, no it is not. I have seen a picture enlarged to poster size from a 2meg camera and could hardly tell the difference from a 10 meg. There are programmes such as Genuine Fractals that can upsize better than photoshop but considering it's cost, you might as well try and buy a camera of higher meg. If you have photoshop and a low meg camera, you can upsize your image but if for example, you wanted an image twice the size, to frame and hang on your wall, do not simply double it...........increase it in 10% steps or less and the finished product will be much better than doing it all in one go. Of course, upsizing is no substitute for more megs but it is a way of getting say a 6meg pic from a 3 meg pic with little loss of resolution. If the pic is sub-standard in any way, it won't improve it............upsizing is simply a way of creating a file that will print larger than the camera manufacturer recommends.
If I've lost you on the above, feel free to ask what you aren't clear on, or pm me.