Will my 2cents unless they can swim an be able to enjoy it whats the point.cheer
Will my 2cents unless they can swim an be able to enjoy it whats the point.cheer
10 months old for us. she has to wear a proper kids pfd1 zipup lifejacket with crotchstrap the whole time she's in the boat.
First up congratulations on the little one! I have a 2&5yo they have both been in boats since about 1yo. They love it. Although I tend to keep the fishing trips and family trips seperate.
I found a great way to get them used to the life jacket was put it on them in the pool and teach them how to lay back in it and relax, swim etc. The jackets are amazing how well they work with the collar fully keeping their head dry, kids have fun doing it too.
We first let our daughter sit in the boat in the yard so she got used to being in the boat first ,then when she was asking to get in the boat more often then we thought it was time for a ride out on the water. She was 2.5 years old for here first trip and loved every minute of it. Rob
My pair have been boating since they were large enough to fit the smallest PFD. (I thinkk about 6-8mths) They are 6&7 now and love the boat. I still make them wear the life jackets the whole time they are in the boat.
took my boy when he was 3 monthsJust a short ferry trip from vic pt to coochie. Mum held him the whole time of course.
My old 6 yo boy comes out on the boat regularly in the rivers now though (with full safety gear of course). More importantly, explain to them what to do if they go overboard, or if mummy or daddy go overboard!
We took our kids out once they have good head control. THis occurs around four to six months. The rationale is that if you hit an unexpected large wave and the boat bumps, they should not incurr neck damage. Waiting until they swim strongly can mean a long time if you live in a rough area with big tides!
For luke it was 4 years old to go fishing in the harbour, i had had the kids and wife up the river a few times to get them use to the boat
Just take them to your local swimming pool and throw them in to get use to the life jackets no use using the backyard pool that they are already use to being in
Son caught 5 legal bream that day , then we went to the fish markets got an ice cream some calamari and chips then spent the afternon doing donuts while he sat in his captains chair telling me to go faster.
he holds on to the electric motor head as a steering wheel and i move a bucket seat up to when the pedistal seat mount is
whatever the age, throw them in a lifejacket and then throw them overboard. If you are not comfortable with that idea then they're too young.
btw, mine started at 2
Offshore Fishing , i'm still trying to work that out myself. My sons 7 and the thing that worries me is if there a problem and we end up in the water ,rescue could be many hours away!! How will he go even with a life jacket on in the water , no doubt ingesting litres of water if it's rough, not to mention the early onset of hypothermia in people with a small body mass! It's a tough call!!!!
Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!
To answer the question, within a few months. We kept her in a capsule in the cabin and she slept most of the time with the rocking motion. Would not have considered it in a small boat/tinny.
As soon as she could fit in the smallest life jacket she was out of the capsule.
Reelchippy, 'the point' for me is to have quality family time in smooth waters some times. My wife enjoys the sea and diving so it's only fair to take them with.
Happy boating all. (with the kids)
Boat – baby – water – not good..what if ..!!!!!
You have to live with that for the rest of your life
What if you took the baby for a drive in the car and a truck ran in to you?
What if you were pushing the pram and an old lady ran off the road and skittled the pair of you?
What if the baby was asleep at home and a plane crashed into your house or a drunk driver came crashing through the front of your house?
It's a dangerous world we live in and I think as long as you take all the precautions you can to ensure thier safety, then you shouldn't live in fear of the "what ifs".
But thats just my 2c. Everyone is entitled to make thier own choices.
I think my young fella was about 3 years the first time I took him in a boat. It was on a 34' pro fishing boat we took up the Burnett River for a BBQ.