Took the yak out to twin waters today in the hope of tempting some dirty water bream. I'd originally planned to hit currimundi creek but nugg convinced me twin waters would be better after friday's rain.
Got to the spot and Nugg was already getting stuck in. He helped me set up and then had a pedal around in my kayak while I rigged my rods. Not long after I got out on the water and on my 3rd or 4th cast I snagged up to the rocks. Just as I started getting close to the rock wall the trolled switchblade gets hit and I'm trying to juggle two tight lines at once. Luckily, it was only a small flathead, but my first 'real' fish (I don't count moses perch or pike) in the kayak.
I moved along hitting walls and bridges, casting banana prawn gulps and getting a few hits. Finally had a breakthrough at one of Nugg's and my favourite landbased spots, bringing in a nice 30cm bream after a short tussle. Was nice to have something big enough to take some line off the spool!
Caught another 3 fish in that area, including one from under a tree Nugg and I have always wanted to cast under but haven't had the platform to fish it. I also got to meet 'Stack' who was catching up with Nugg for a landbase fish, great meetting you mate!
Managed two fish, one hooked solidly throught the snout, in a spot where we normally see the bream but have to work damn hard to hook any.
Sun was getting low by this point and it was time for home. Score for the day was 5 bream from 20-30cm and an undersize flathead and one fantastic day on the water.
p.s. a few pics of the new rig...