picked up my new g,loomis pro blue 15-24lb rod today and its such a nice stick, very well balanced with the sol 4000 so hopefully this can add some more pressure and spot me from getting busted of by those big nobs of tweed
picked up my new g,loomis pro blue 15-24lb rod today and its such a nice stick, very well balanced with the sol 4000 so hopefully this can add some more pressure and spot me from getting busted of by those big nobs of tweed
Great rod . Hope you get to put a good bend in it soon
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
Nice combo nutter, look forward to seeing the beasts that put a bend in that rod.
nice combo. i have the pro blue 15-30 with twinpower 6000 ; even this feels a bit inadequate on big snapper in bad country.
nice combo mate, i put my 4000 sol on a samurai nv8 and it kicks arse...
Thats some fairly heavy artillery you boys are using on those Snaps. I'm looking a perchasing a new plastics snapper outfit in the next few weeks and I was thinking about getting something around a 3-6kilo with a 2500 size reel. Should I be getting more fire power????
gagga you will be outgunned. got onto some 5-6 kg fish on sat .bigger fish bent saltwater nitros. was fishing 4-5 kg of drag .To scared to used snapper raider/4000, stuck with the loomis; using 20lb fireline and 30lb leader still got done. leave the bream gear at home.
must have hooked him on a sandflat or perhaps had a lucky daywe have all had great captures on light gear fleety like 94cm flathead on bream gear or 10kg mulloway on 10lb leader around oyster pylons or 32kg mulloway off breakwall on platic by me personally. But my opinoin is light tackle and snapper around bommies and reef just dont mix. pound for pound one of the hardest pullers out there. just my opion.
guys shane is dead right im upgrading my last rod (6-10kilo daiwa saltwater series) because the fish kept busting me off. not to mention the spangled emporer busting me of. though its al about were u fish