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Thread: Scents for Plastics??

  1. #1

    Question Scents for Plastics??

    Do you think adding additional scent to your plastics makes a difference & if so what scent do you think is the best? I have been going to try Stimulate in the spray can??

  2. #2

    Re: Scents for Plastics??

    I use Carolina Lunker Sauce at times. it seems to work.
    Bayfisher picked up a bottle of stuff from a K mart clearance. It' s red hot stuff but you can't get it anymore
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  3. #3

    Re: Scents for Plastics??

    Alot of people have had success with the stuff Darren "Dizzy" Borg makes, especially on bream. Not sure of name/brand.


  4. #4

    Re: Scents for Plastics??

    jizz it up bully
    (when Im dead) my biggest FEAR is that my wife will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it.........

  5. #5

    Re: Scents for Plastics??

    Squidgy S - Factor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #6

    Re: Scents for Plastics??

    Quote Originally Posted by fghjkl View Post
    Alot of people have had success with the stuff Darren "Dizzy" Borg makes, especially on bream. Not sure of name/brand.

    Hey that stuff is jsut "Darren "dizzy" borg Tournament scent gel bcf sell it.

    But HONESTLY you cant get a beter attractant then the SQUIDGY S-FACTOR
    "True Blue"

  7. #7

    Re: Scents for Plastics??

    I've always used the stimulate spray, have noticed the bite pick up after using it but who knows if its just coincidence.

  8. #8

    Re: Scents for Plastics??

    I have an old tupperware dish and a bottle of tuna oil, brings the catties on the bite pronto
    If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, politicians must be from uranus ?

  9. #9

    Re: Scents for Plastics??

    Squidgy S- Factor! It's UNREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Remember to reapply from time to time....

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