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Thread: me again

  1. #16

    Re: me again

    Gee youve been getting a lot of hours in nugg, dont you have a missus or a job? Were all jealous as......

    Bad luck about the Tailor mate, I got a 70cm one a few weeks ago on 40lb leader, so the big boys are about. Even 20lb leader is too light IMHO, they are very toothy critters. (watch your fingers too) . As for size, well, no pic on a brag mat, so its irrelevant, sorry but rules is rules........they all look bigger in the water due to refraction and fishermans


  2. #17

    Re: me again

    Nice fish nugg, what a cod was you bouncing a squigy fish off the bottom.

  3. #18

    Re: me again

    Quote Originally Posted by jeremy d R View Post
    Nice fish nugg, what a cod was you bouncing a squigy fish off the bottom.
    look at the lure in the gob of that cod and you will see a eco gear sx40 just like the one you got that i put the new hooks on for ya. the queenfish was on a tt switch blade. the bream was on a strike pro pigmy, much like your sx40 and the pike on my wise dog. good to see ya got ya own acount young feller. cant wait to fish with ya again, but next time i will be netting your fish mate.
    figjam :wink:

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