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Thread: Cod No Cobia

  1. #31

    Re: Cod No Cobia

    Quote Originally Posted by Nic View Post
    Right, to try to set this issue straight I have called InfoFish and spoken to Bill Sawynok.

    He says the DPI has performed studies on this. One set of large fish was held vertically and another set was held horizontally (these were barra, I believe). Then both groups of fish were released into holding tanks.

    The mortality of the vertically-held fish was 100%. X-rays showed that some had vertebrae that had come apart, and all had suffered significant internal damage. The fish didn't die within hours or days, as I had expected; it actually took them several weeks to die. Looks like it takes some time for their damaged organs to gradually shut down.

    Tough though cod may seem to be, I can see no reason why they wouldn't suffer the same organ ruptures as the barra did. Fish have never had the need to evolve organs that can withstand the full brunt of their own body weight, unbouyed by water.

    Fortunately, even when you have caught a very large and heavy fish it's still possible to get a photo of it lying horizontally. I once caught a monstrous gold-spot and still managed it (albeit with shaking arms!) It can help if you sit down and bear some of the fish's weight on your lap.

    Alternatively you can hold the fish in the water and get your mate to take a photo from further up the boat. You see plenty of magazine photos of happy anglers holding large Murray cod, barra etc. in the water in that way. I reckon those pics look great, I am trying to take more of them myself.

    Nautical Prince I still commend you for trying to do the right thing, it's an admirable attitude to have.
    Thank you so much for the info i will definantaly take it on board prevention is always better than cure and this will be my first and last photo like this as i love these beutiful creatures.

  2. #32

    Re: Cod No Cobia

    Quote Originally Posted by Dean1 View Post
    Just remember that everything else has to become bigger if upgrading, car, wallet etc. The bigger they get the harder they are to manage, thats I love my 5.2 kc. But one day a 2400 will be in my driveway no doubt
    Yeah ya right Deanno the ride i get is fabulous already and it is plenty of boat to do all styles of fishing i think it is the old case of bigger is better.

  3. #33

    Re: Cod No Cobia

    Personally I reckon all the big cod I have released have died.

    No matter how much you try and get the air out of them they still get air on their brains and eye areas and they just struggle to swim away.
    The charter operators here say the same and reckon 1 in 3 may live.

    They need to change that maximum size limit

    Better off taking the fillets rather than feed the sharks I reckon.


  4. #34
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Cod No Cobia

    Not bad eating the old cod used eat a lot of them once do alot of release myself but if ya gonna get introuble for that start eating them again, look at all the old fishing mags and how 99% of fish are held %^&*me they must have killed millons!!

  5. #35
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Cod No Cobia

    I was about to ask about the eating quality of these cod,

    we sometimes get Bar cod in the range of those shown & they are still beautiful eating,
    not starting a C&R debate,
    just wondered how they fared on the plate?


  6. #36

    Re: Cod No Cobia

    Quote Originally Posted by nautical prince View Post
    yeah mate were using yaka's off the M2 beacon
    LOL looks more like Brennans or smiths. JT is up north. M2..........

    Nice Fish NP. That thing in my avatar was dragged up from 70mt only lifted that far for a quick photo and took well over 30min to release. I still wasnt 100% sure he was ok- ie- prob swam too slow back down through the munchies. He/she went just over 180cm but give me one 119 and its in the box (only one though). Nice chewing.

    "but, but there such a nice fish"- yeah so is a 30kg cobe and he's in the box too!!

    Cheers Scott

  7. #37

    Re: Cod No Cobia

    Quote Originally Posted by reel scream View Post
    LOL looks more like Brennans or smiths. JT is up north. M2..........

    Nice Fish NP. That thing in my avatar was dragged up from 70mt only lifted that far for a quick photo and took well over 30min to release. I still wasnt 100% sure he was ok- ie- prob swam too slow back down through the munchies. He/she went just over 180cm but give me one 119 and its in the box (only one though). Nice chewing.

    "but, but there such a nice fish"- yeah so is a 30kg cobe and he's in the box too!!

    Cheers Scott
    M2 beacon was where i got me bait and i got these fellas on a little rock near the cape (would love some cobia in the freezer again)

  8. #38

    Re: Cod No Cobia

    LoL Long way from me the ole M2 but good to know
    Any cod over 30 lb we usualy throw back ........... the oldies like there flavour i'm a bit fussy and only keep the smaller ones.
    In all the years we have caught massive cod all have swam back with no problems .. touch wood......One of the reasons we stop putting live baits down at night the bigger cod usauly smash them pretty well
    But this is only us
    Cobia now thats a different story Bring em on
    CALL SIGN : JT OR SC552(social club member)

    There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot

    I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges

    Up here we Use Hussar as baits for real RED FISHS (SHSIIFDER)

  9. #39
    Ausfish Platinum Member Spot82's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Cod No Cobia

    They are some big cod, must have been some decent sized gear to land them beauties, well done and good to see you releasing them


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