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Thread: where r the fraser tailor?

  1. #16

    Re: where r the fraser tailor?

    Cancel that. I just read your post on the other thread. I have a meshed bag that I use for burley off the boat. Will take that along. I wonder if frames will do the same job as minced pillies.

  2. #17

    Re: where r the fraser tailor?

    A cylinder made out of chook mesh ancored to the sand with a meter of rope either side tied to tent pegs. Anchor it in the shallow water where a gutter is and as the waves roll in and out it rolls the cylinder and lets the berley float out into the gutter.


  3. #18

    Re: where r the fraser tailor?

    Hi Cheech
    I think anything a bit oily would work or fish frames with some tuna or pillie oil splashed over them.


  4. #19

    Re: where r the fraser tailor?

    thanks guys for all the info i leave at 4 in the morning will try to give up dates when im up there if not i will report the 2 week trip on my return thanks again everyone.if any ones up there in the next 2 weeks my nissan nivara is white and 70kel id rather be fishing number plates thanks again supa.

  5. #20

    Re: where r the fraser tailor?

    Hey Fellas,
    Heading up early October after the closure.
    Good to hear of a few jews mixed in with the tailor.
    Any reports about that awfull red snot weed. I Hate that stuff.

  6. #21

    Cool Re: where r the fraser tailor?

    any new info after the weekend?????????

  7. #22

    Re: where r the fraser tailor?

    Just got back from Fraser.
    Good tailor up at Indian head, from the 400M sign down, at low tide- only
    After the gutter fills to much water.

  8. #23

    Re: where r the fraser tailor?

    Thanks Mate, any size to the tailor? How about that weed any sign of it?
    Cheers mate

  9. #24

    Re: where r the fraser tailor?

    hey guys just got home no weed plenty of fish, tailor up 2 8 pound and jewies up to 10 pound plenty of fish all the way up the beach. try the gutter at the woorilee track and at dunndaburra bins first thing and just after dark on fillets or the gutter at the nth yidney boards at half tide will post thread soon getting pic organised kel.

  10. #25

    Re: where r the fraser tailor?

    Thanks for the report mate, glad to hear you got into them, fantastic to hear that there is no weed at the momment. Fingers crossed. Heading up on the long weekend and i cant wait. Looking foreword to your trip report post.
    Thanks again mate.

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