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Raddish, the reasons why I say that there shouldn't be any weed this year are - the floods and big seas we had earlier in the year largely killed off the algaes. Good winter rains have helped further and the expected average to above average rainfall and big seas that come with the rain systems this summer will inhibit any blooms. If however the rains don't come and a hot northerly influence rather than soueasterly trades is predominant, then the algaes (hincksia sordida and auralus australis) could well bloom again. I don't think this is very likely tho. Is all temp and nutrient related - the Noosa and Mary Rvrs which seem to be the main contributors of nutrient have had a good flush and accumulated nutrient has deposited on the beaches during the 'foam' months earlier this year.
I agree that tailor would be available at Waddy at xmas and have caught greenbacks at Browns and at Deepwater sth of Agnes in Jan. We've always enjoyed good tailor fishing here at Teewah from xmas til April (til last few years) as the greenbacks are schooled up and migrating south. However my point was that further south around Eurong etc, would have more schools north of there, heading south in Nov than would Waddy which increases the likelihood of finding fish at the southern end.
Phil, there are 2 licenses that can be used from Ngkala to Sandy Cape lighthouse, tho they tend to get around Rooneys a bit. These are N1 licenses and become void on death of the license holder. It is mainly the license holder from Tewantin that nets the cape with the other being mainly active around Tin Can. This same fellow from Tewantin, nets this beach heavily and just destroyed things here again and he regularly nets the Noosa Rvr where he took a couple of tonne of trevally last thurs. He works on a cyclic basis between river prawns and fish in the Noosa, beach mullet, tailor and other species along Teewah and Rainbow beaches and Sandy Cape for whatever is available - mainly whiting and tailor. As long as the overall 120 tonne quota for tailor hasn't been reached, then he can net tailor as bycatch. I have video footage of tailor, trevally and whiting being netted at the cape in 2006 and they always seem to be up there when I am for the same reason - they've spooked the hell out of this beach and head up there to find fish.
Not as detailed a response as I wrote last week and if anyone has any questions on how nets spook fish or on the algaes then fire away.