It was too much to bear, all this talk about IBD, camp fires, new gear, tuning lures, big barra, to much I tell ya. I was dragging my bum around the house, sighing and looking longingly at the tinny, when in a moment of sainthood, Debs handed me a leave pass to go and chase an August fish, god bless her.
I hit the water up there around 1.30 Wednesday arvo, water temps were low, as you would expect, and as I cruised up the dam I had the eyes wide open for anything that might say “fish here Brian”. The first bay on the right past White Rock looked the goods, pelicans and shags patrolling the shallows, so I turned the hornet in, cut the yammy early, and glided in on the electric to start fishing a sloping bank in about 8 foot of water, slightly warmer than the main arm, but not much.
A lively mid 70 fish, and a nice 90 were the result, yeeha, I had my August Barra, plus a couple of short strikes and a jump off from a big fish that sidled up to the suspending Reidys a rod length from the bow, “holy sh*te”, the slightest of twitches and the lure was engulfed, the fish went airborne on a very short length of 50 bionic, and the end result was my lure landing back at my feet. That little show made the trip up worth it just by itself.
I met the bloke who leases the land up there, he was walking the bank checking his cattle with his dogs, popped out of the scrub JM style, near gave me a heart attack, nice bloke called Tony, we shared a yarn and he was good enuf to take a pic of the 90 for me.
Thursday was overcast all day, I started off by bouncing off a small fish around 8.00 am, and that set the pattern for the rest of the day, swirls, flashes, 2 bust offs, including one fish that engulfed the lure I had just spent 10 minutes tweaking, and then charged into some drowned lantana in 3 foot of water, gill cutting me off in the process. You could track that fish’s progress through the lantana as it stormed thru, awesome.
I finished the day, and the trip by nailing a nice fish up at B, spotted a clear channel between two bits of drowned lantana, thought there has to be a fish in there, and yup, there was, maybe a 90 that self released at the side of the boat.
So, its going to be a big summer boys n girls, water is at 36%, both ramps are good and the dam is pretty as a picture, heaps of fish, roos on the bank, in one of the bays on Thursday I had the privilege of spending some quiet time watching a couple of Platypus going about their business.
Head on up, be safe on the roads, and look forward to every ones success this summer