Hi guys, i picked the boat up yesterday arvo so i can do a bit more work myself on it. The transom had a bit of a re vamp and came up looking great (and a bit more modern i think). we removed all the old crappy bits of alloy trim, sanded the transom back flush and glassed over it.
The bow area was a bit trickier as i wanted to keep the internal freeboard as deep as i could. So i had to sacrifice the lines of the boat a bit to do so. It came up well and the sides come up well above my knees the whole way around which is what i wanted. The lines of the boat will be helped when i put the bow rail and spray dodgers on.
he still has a few little things to do to finish the job completely when i take it back to prep it for paint.
I am now going to sand the rest of the old flow coat off and put new stuff on, then fit the console and make sure all the drainage holes are completely sealed with flowcoat.
Another few weeks and i will be ready to fit her out.
Heres a few photos.