can someone please give me some info on breeding feeder fish, like what is the best way,what species etc etc, any help would be greatly appreciated
can someone please give me some info on breeding feeder fish, like what is the best way,what species etc etc, any help would be greatly appreciated
Im assuming this is for an aquarium or some sort....
Best feeders are the fish that breed like rabbits like guppys,mollies,platys and convicts. Now the babies need to grow until you have a population that will sustain itself even when you are taking feeders out and this may take a while to start growing the colony. I have seen a 5ft tank full of guppys and this guy was breeding them to feed to his fish. He would just take out about 50 and chuck em in once a week and there population would be sustainable cause they were constantly breeding, he had substrate and plants down the bottom of the tank where all the new borns could hid amongst the weed to grow big enough so they didnt get eaten. So unless you have a big enough space for that to happen or have multipul tanks then its not really worth it, i have thought about breeding feeders myself but i didnt have the room. Someone els will probably come up with somthing different to say, but i have found that to be an effective and fast way about breeding feeders.
Australian Native Fish VidsSpecialize in Terapontida's, Perches, Cods, Gobies & Gudgeons
Well put cammy. All i can say is i've seen a few gold fish breeders use mop heads in the tank (new ones not used) They give the babies somewhere to hide but Gold fish are harder to breed than you think so stick to the mollies, guppies.
Hi all
I had an outside pond-- When my tanks inside got abit full i transfered guppies, swordtails and mollies to the pond. They did well and used to dig some out regularly for the oscars.
If you have room outside for a setup then these fish do quite well.
When I say pond it was an old square shower/bath tub which I set up with rocks, plants etc and the fish did well.
Guppies/Swordtails/platties/mollies all do extremely well outdoors and breed like rabbits.