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Thread: Snapper Colours

  1. #1

    Snapper Colours

    Thinking of making some flys for snapper but would appreciate some input on what colours to include. Some trade names would be good so I can go and purchase them off the shelf. I want to make them up myself on 4/0 hooks. Cheers

  2. #2

    Re: Snapper Colours

    Heard of people getting them on surf candy patterns, with a light green over white.
    Keep smiling, It makes people wonder what you're up to.

  3. #3

    Re: Snapper Colours

    mate I had a crack at targeting them last winter with alright success , I tied a large clouser ( see pic) I got all the gear from Gavin at Tie N fly outfitters at kawana . Gav has been targeting them guiding as well and getting heaps of clients onto Snapper on fly , give him a call and he can explain it in great detail.

    Federation of Fly Fishers
    International Certified Casting Instructor
    Sunshine Coast Fly Fishers

  4. #4

    Wink Re: Snapper Colours

    Hey Castlemain,

    Try Anchovy Bomb for the deeper offshore waters, Good Pattern in Flylife, can't remember the issue # will try to get back. But had great success down Jervis Bay on them Gold/Chartruse. We also target the Reds in close and lakes using the good old CLouser but tied really skinny and they just love them. Chartruse over white/clear works well (but a flash of red around the gills is a must.

    I use a sink tip line 4.5"/sec just to get down quick and a fast strip 6" up through the column.

  5. #5

    Re: Snapper Colours

    Quote Originally Posted by Flyfanatic View Post
    Hey Castlemain,

    Try Anchovy Bomb for the deeper offshore waters, Good Pattern in Flylife, can't remember the issue # will try to get back. But had great success down Jervis Bay on them Gold/Chartruse. We also target the Reds in close and lakes using the good old CLouser but tied really skinny and they just love them. Chartruse over white/clear works well (but a flash of red around the gills is a must.

    I use a sink tip line 4.5"/sec just to get down quick and a fast strip 6" up through the column.
    Thanks for the info, I'll start with the clouser but wow i didn't think there was so much to it (I'm new to this fly thing). I'll let you guys know how I get along. Cheers

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