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Thread: When you get sharked....

  1. #1

    Question When you get sharked....

    Was just looking at a post where someone's Spanish got sharked and I was wondering what you do with the rest of the fish? Do keep what is left or do you toss that is left back? why do you do what you do?

    I have never been sharked and was wondering what everyone dose


  2. #2

    Re: When you get sharked....

    I'd use the rest as burley

  3. #3

    Re: When you get sharked....

    me personally...i prefer to keep whats left and use it as strip bait...(depending on how much is left mind you)...while i cut up whats left...Mr Benno1 shifts us along to another spot where we (hope) the men in grey suits havnt set up residence
    i do this because i dont want to waste whats left...and have found that fresh bait is best...wins hands down.

    (Mrs Benno1)

  4. #4

    Re: When you get sharked....

    you have to be careful, as whatever is left has to be legal size.

  5. #5

    Re: When you get sharked....

    Have been sharked many times and if there is enough shoulder of the fish left you might as well enjoy whats left of the spoils


  6. #6

    Re: When you get sharked....

    we got some decent fillets of this one, woulda been better if we got it all tho

  7. #7

    Re: When you get sharked....

    Quote Originally Posted by sandbankmagnet View Post
    you have to be careful, as whatever is left has to be legal size.
    Is that for real?? whats the good of throwing back a dead fish??
    I often put a big hook in whats left and throw it over the side as if your on a good bite and a shark starts harssing you he will often bugger off if you get a hook into him

  8. #8

    Re: When you get sharked....

    That's for real even if the fish is half dead, fisheries will show you no mercy.

  9. #9

    Re: When you get sharked....

    Quote Originally Posted by iricangi View Post
    That's for real even if the fish is half dead, fisheries will show you no mercy.
    Man the fisheries must either be nazi's where you guys live or they are in need of some revenue thats just ridiculously harsh!!

  10. #10

    Re: When you get sharked....

    yep thats right, whatever's left must be legal length, but I just cut it up for strip baits, no sense letting good fish go to waste, even if you can't keep it.

  11. #11

    Re: When you get sharked....

    i would take whats left of the fish myself if its leagal, otherwise use it for bait!

    Australian Native Fish Vids
    Specialize in Terapontida's, Perches, Cods, Gobies & Gudgeons

  12. #12

    Re: When you get sharked....

    In the case of the fish in my avatar and generally all other cases, if there is enough meat on what you got back for a feed, keep it. If you got sharked and chuck back the leftovers all you are doing is giving them the rest.


  13. #13

    Re: When you get sharked....

    Keep it. If you toss it back you're only feeding the sharks and keeping them on the bite. Either keep what you can, or strip bait it.

  14. #14

    Re: When you get sharked....

    yeah id keep it but thats not nice of them to have the rest be legal size or you get in trouble!!!! why give it to the sharks they got the rest of it !!

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