G'day everyone,
I've attached some photos of my latest rod. It is a retirement present for a mate of mine who finishes up soon after 32 years as a copper. He is a keen fisherman so, what better present could there be for him. The blank is a Lamiglas XMG784 fitted with Matagi fittings, inlayed EVA checkers in NSW Police colours, butt cap with Police crest, small opal in front of fore grip, Silver Eagle cross wrap and Blue zirconia AMTAC guides (Thanks Ross at the Rodworks). The split grip area is metalic blue and metalic silver underwrap, CP'd with Chromaseal and then wrapped with dark blue gudebrod overwrap, No CP. This wrap really sparkles in the sun. The finishing touch will be a silver decal waterslide sticker with his name and length of service with N.S.W Police Force.