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Thread: Teewah Update

  1. #31

    Re: Teewah Update

    I might have to tow my ski over to Teewah one arvo or morning to have a fish with you Lindsay. I know that ground you are talking about inside Coffees.

  2. #32

    Re: Teewah Update

    Hey Linds,

    They still chewin?

    Got your lures made up yet ?

    I was planning to drop in - but have been in bed sick as a dog for the past week.


  3. #33

    Re: Teewah Update

    Hey Lindsay whats happenin on the beach mate this weather carvin it up or what

  4. #34

    Re: Teewah Update

    Hey Lindsay,

    Mate...Whats with all these new proposals for cars going on the beach...

    A fellow came in the shop the other day with the proposals and reckons they are going to introduce a $37.50 fee for any car going on the beach..??...

    Jese that will kill the amount of people going up there...


  5. #35

    Re: Teewah Update

    Is a bit of a sea on but nothing too severe. The rocks had all just covered over and they'll prob be slightly exposed again - sand had built up very quickly and good to see it disappear again. Will be heading down to Bris on the high tide and don't expect it to be anything other than a bit of a slog. Is all good with the rain and southeaster ensuring the weed is kept at bay and prohibiting any netting. Was getting fairly soft at the 1st cut also and the tracks around Teewah were being cut up.

  6. #36

    Re: Teewah Update

    Hi Pete
    There's a thread about the proposals at this link.
    The $37.10 would be for a monthly permit
    Cheers Freeeedom

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