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Thread: Dunk Island

  1. #1

    Dunk Island

    Went out to the family group after work on friday arvo for a camp with the wife and kids.We headed out to 40 ft behind Dunk and saw a whale having a splash about on the way.We caught about half a dozen sharks before giving it up for the day no mackeral.Packed up camp in the arvo and went home.When we got up sunday decided the weather was to good to pass up and went out again .We got some mackeral this time only boated 2 keepers lost a couple of others.The whales put in another show,there was a mother and calf slowly wondering through with a pod of dolphins in attendance.The girls thought that was fantastic.The weather was great and we had a ball can't wait to get out again.Bye

  2. #2

    Re: Dunk Island

    Ahhhhhhh, life in paradise

    howyagoin mate, alls well?

  3. #3

    Re: Dunk Island

    sounds like you had a cracker weekend mate, not many fish boated buts its not all about the fish is it?

    Any pics perchance?

  4. #4
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Dunk Island

    Hi M/D ,I went up to silver sands with the kids on the saturday morning a spanish ,4 spotties and a couple of Mac tuna...but it was really quiet and the weather was ..well...about as good as it gets...
    Bloody mackeral ..sometimes they are on and sometimes they are not...I just need to get out a bit more often but the weather just wont let me.

    BtW..during mackie season we have camped at that little beach up near the end of Dunk just on the southern side...great little spot...


  5. #5

    Re: Dunk Island

    Hi BR alls well up here how are you and Debs.We actually had a break in the weather it's been 15 days since it rained and the winds dropped for a few as well.Yeah Scott there still a bit scattered but they might pick up yet.It sure was nice out there,did you see any whales.As to pictures we took lots but I have never been able to post them though I have tried heaps .I can e-mail pictures to people just not get them on here.Tight lines bye.

  6. #6

    Re: Dunk Island

    That's a shame about the pics! What happens when you try to post them? They don't exceed the file size or dimension limit do they?

  7. #7

    Re: Dunk Island

    Something like that it's been ages since I tried putting any pics up.Have had people on here try and help me before without any success so have given up.

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