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Thread: Offshore kayaking?? need help

  1. #1

    Offshore kayaking?? need help

    Hey all,
    im thinking of purchasing a some sort of kayak and need some help. I will want to be doing mostly ocean style kayaking like trolling and fishing and also some inshore diving, so it will need good stablity, and looking for a 2 seater and also to have the pedal things so my arms are free for fishing.

    any ideas on wht brand i should be going with? and wht price range i will be looking at?


  2. #2

    Re: Offshore kayaking?? need help

    If you want the "pedal thing" it pretty much narrows it down to one brand. sounds like you want a Hobie, my mate has the mirage sport fish i think its 3 metres approx, they retail for about $2000. check out there website.

  3. #3

    Re: Offshore kayaking?? need help

    Mate check out and become a memeber. This website is dedicated to kayak fishing and their is some very experienced yakkers on their. As for kayaks you are looking at the hobie range of kayaks there is a hobie kayak dealer on this webiste he will be able to give you the heads up. Join and then PM me my username is jaredluke and I will give you his username.

  4. #4

    Re: Offshore kayaking?? need help


    Yep Hobie fishing kayaks it is. The 2 person one is called the Outfitter.

    Talk to Mal @ Sunstate Hobie. He'll do you a deal.

    Hobie Outback 2012 &
    Hobie Oasis 2012

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