holy poop on a stick Batman...thats an amazing cobe...good job guys
(Mrs Benno1)
holy poop on a stick Batman...thats an amazing cobe...good job guys
(Mrs Benno1)
What a wicked cobe what a fight it must have put up!! And caught on a pelagic rod! Respekt...
Take that thing to the RNA. I’ve seen Brahman’s smaller than that!!!!!!!!!!!
What other people think about me is not my business: Michael J Fox.
Holy smoke Barry, you'd whack a saddle on it and give it once or twice around the arena thats for sure
Thats got to be the biggest Cobia I ever heard about let alone seen a photo of. We caught one a few years ago that went 37kgs and it was full of Ciguatera, 2 people were poisoned, not very friendly, I'd be careful eating one that big definitely.
James i see your point i tend to agree with you BUUUUUUUUUUT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Although i think along the same lines i must admit that it is unfair to judge without knowing all the details of the capture the fish might have been unable to revive if the fight was long and i asume that it would have been quite a long fight on 10-15kg gear so in that case i would have kept it .
I think you would have kept it to under similar circumstances if that was the case so it is unfair to have a crack at barry .
quote of the day ( guns don`t kill people fathers with pretty daughters do ) !!:wink:
don't worry barry jeliousy is a curse mate.But on a serious note, how many imigrents did you find inside that sub
, as that is unbelievably MASSIVE and way to big for a cobe. my arms and back hurts just looking at it
. Awesome fish mate awesome fish.
Cheers Matty
Having never caught a Cobia, and wishing like bloody hell I had, I will tell you that if I caught one 7 times that big I'd bloody well keep it. No, it wouldn't fit in the freezer. I'd be giving the stuff away like it was going out of fashion!!! But it IS legal to take it, end of the story.
Do Cobia carry Cig? Obviously a revelation on this would potentially modify the above view...
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
far out...biggest cobe i've ever seeen...absolute snodger!! would they still be good eating even at that size??? cheers trav
Thats a stonker cobes there Barry! The fishing machine would have loved to have a crack at that big boy.
Thanks for sharing Barry, keeps us going when we have to work and you guys are out getting fish like that even if it was somebody else.
Never seen the likes of it!!! Unbelievable fish, I have seen an estimated 40kg Cobe come aboard but the likes of the one in the pic...that head is huge!
cheers fnq