"Please clarify this for me. Are you saying that you should be able to continue living a lifestyle that compromises the lives of others? It seems to be what you are implying'
Does your view compromise others and their lifestyle?
"When the greens can provide the indisputable proof on what they are saying then I will listen. Until then, they know what they can do."
"You don't learn do you. Science will never provide 100% indisputable evidence. Need I explain? This should be one of the first things you learn about science.
Sort of sticks at odds with your past posts doesnt it Tripper, ie science , now you say science cant be based on indisputable facts, IE your saying there are no facts here Tripper.
So does this mean CC and Green policies you espouse etc isnt based on facts as according to you science cant provide indisputable evidence? So whats your argument or is it a Feeling?
Keep it up Tripper love it
PS still waiting for the facts