I found it that way too Tim. A credible alternative theory to the Carbon induced Climate Change doomsday model.
If authors bio
James A. Peden - better known as Jim or "Dad" - Webmaster of Middlebury Networks and Editor of the Middlebury Community Network, spent some of his earlier years as an Atmospheric Physicist at the Space Research and Coordination Center in Pittsburgh and Extranuclear Laboratories in Blawnox, Pennsylvania, studying ion-molecule reactions in the upper atmosphere. As a student, he was elected to both the National Physics Honor Society and the National Mathematics Honor Fraternity, and was President of the Student Section of the American Institute of Physics. He was a founding member of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, and a member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. His thesis on charge transfer reactions in the upper atmosphere was co-published in part in the prestigious Journal of Chemical Physics. The results obtained by himself and his colleagues at the University of Pittsburgh remain today as the gold standard in the AstroChemistry Database. He was a co-developer of the Modulated Beam Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer, declared one of the "100 Most Significant Technical Developments of the Year" and displayed at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago.
Seems to suggest this is a pretty well qualified fellow.....no doubt in the employ of the evil energy industry !!
The clear case he makes is that increased CO2 levels are a consequence of warming not a cause and that a small increase in CO2 is a good thing, not a sky is falling outcome. He also makes the point, a point ignore by the CC deciples, that for every shinking glacier, more are growing. For the reduced Arctic Ice Cap of 2007 summer the antarctic cap was the largest in recorded history. This is the issue I have always taken with the CC model. Selective use of data. Just as selective use of data has been used in fisheries "management".
This is a fishing web site but there are clear links here between the methods used to justify fisheries closures and the methods used foistering this hoax.....and for that matter the Y2K hoax when "every credible computer programer in the world" taked up the millenium bug.
As I said earlier, any read of this should cause any reasoned thinker to question the CC/carbon link. It might not suit the evangalistic climate change crusaders but surely it has to raise some red flags.
I for one think that cutting back fossil fuel usage has to be a good thing. It is obviuos on the TV every day what is going on in China. Cleaner options are just better options but the crusade towards a carbon trading scheme, all in the name of saving the planet really has become a new religion and pity help anyone who dares be a heritic.
I think all of us should have an open mind. Do we cling to "denial" information because we want everything to be right or do we want to be informed of alternative theory? Seems to me the CC evangalists take the same view as any zealots.........entertain no alternatives.