Sorry guys, it's still monday morn for us. We are traveling up to chewy's at marybough on sunday. Whitto has our numbers so can have a roadside tasting. Can't have you fading away now can we??
Cheers Kim.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
'Oh Shit.....she's awake'
everyone waiting to 500......i,ll take one for the team and let you all fight over the coveted 500..fastest fingers win...go..
Oh the pressure
Bugger it, i'll take one for the team!!
Yeah me!!
Let me know about the ring in lure Steve.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
'Oh Shit.....she's awake'
Arrhhhhh Geez-------Just missed again.
OK---OK Steve, you have twisted my mind,------Just went out and bought a B52, and Chris i only bought 1.![]()
And if it gets smashed into two or three pieces i'll never buy another,![]()
Whitto, take your B52 up to Faust mate and when they smash it into two or three pieces it will look real cool in your pool room.![]()
While out chasing the B52, i saw the Squiddgy Boof Frogs at Tackle World Sandgate, stacks of different colours----------didn't buy any-------got all my frogs and toads from the States when my son went over there in July.![]()
You know?---- I reckon the gatekeeper in on the take----------and i think it spells "CAKE" why else would he let Wheelie Bins through the gate!!!!!!!![]()
I love my Quinnie Hornet Trophy, it's bullett proof![]()
John did u get your B52 from TackleWorld Sandgate....also is it the big B52 3 trebles....the only other shop I've seen the big B52 is at Foxies.......Whitto
Good Mates....Good Food.....Good Fishing....Priceless
John, I have about a dozen B52....all have survived so far....lots of paint missiing but generally intact.....Xraps are different...they tend to have the arse trebble and wire dislodged. I think it happened to peter4 last year as well.
We will take any ring in lures Kim..someting expensive...Roo can afford it!! Something sneaky different from the states will be good! I wil show you the B52 secret squrrel action...for a piece of RR!!
Roo, word on the street is you might be in possession of a Egrell S10 for the trip.....hey.....mmmm......consider it confiscated at the gate![]()
Cheers Steve!! Ring in it is!! I will confirm with the boss what number we will choose. thanks for b52 advise. And you get in line for the S10.
Cheers Kim.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
'Oh Shit.....she's awake'
Think we need some sort of message board at the ramp, so you guys can keep us entertained while up there.though by the looks some of you wood just stay at the ramp........
Hey Whitto------Yeah mate the big one----three trebles--- from Tackle World Sandgate.
I reckon 1165 posts.
I'll put up one of these new fangled Ripsticks en route from the US....
there were 2 days were nobody posted a thing....which was upsetting my averages calculations. I've cancelled them out to reach a mathematically derived result based on corrected averages over the last 6 days then expanded to predict the following 2 weeks minus my age in years.
very scientific.
Hey kim,
you may not of caught anything on bombers or b52s but i seem to recall throough some form of haedache n bleary eyes roo madly waving some cheap a55 copy of a bomber and cheering.imagiine the sucess if you persisted with the real thing...