Sorry Whitto, would love to get up there for saturday night but just can do it. Still aiming to leave lunchtimeish on sunday so give us a call!! i'm sure we can hook up somewhere along the way up. Can you chuck a sickie or two??
Cheers Kim.
Sorry Whitto, would love to get up there for saturday night but just can do it. Still aiming to leave lunchtimeish on sunday so give us a call!! i'm sure we can hook up somewhere along the way up. Can you chuck a sickie or two??
Cheers Kim.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
'Oh Shit.....she's awake'
did someone say steak my favirote and to top it off rocky road oh yeah thats right me whitto and nath will miss out "whats up with that " not sure on the night time fish belive if i cant catch one during the day there is always tomorrow night festivities are very important lol
cheers nipsta
who goes fishing on a Saturday night???? nah, clean up after a long day on the water, set fire to a steak,chop, snags and some bacon, then warm up your outsides while cooling your insides with a few ales by the Bush telly....thats how you spend a Mondy Saturday night!
i will be catching up on zzzzzzz after all night drive + all day fish
welcome to come to the pub on Monday for dinner fin finder!!
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
'Oh Shit.....she's awake'
i will keep in mind but sounds like you all like a drink dont want to spend last day with head in bucket
Me thinks Roo and Chewy learnt the hard way last trip not to over consume.
It will be a social night, so we can all have a catch up in the one place. Should be pretty relaxed and behaved.
Cheers Kim.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
'Oh Shit.....she's awake'
Time isn't an issue for me young bloke has to get back for work Monday morning......this is his first trip to Mondy and I would love for him to catch a Barra.......his responce is he'll be happy to just see one caught....there's always next time it's a big season coming up and I cannot see u guys only doing one or two trips this's just too damn tempting.......Whitto PS: Sorry about the pun......Don't forget the designated driver
I really hope he gets on to one. Is he prepared for what happens after you've caught your first barra? Does he know about IBD?
Roo has been spaming me all day with land for sale up there. I think he's trying to tell me something.
Cheers Kim.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
'Oh Shit.....she's awake'
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Behaved,what is this word???kareoke anyone?
Good Mates....Good Food.....Good Fishing....Priceless