Chris, and every one, take it easy on the roads, chill out and just go with the flow, stop and have a break every couple of hours or so, an extra 15 minutes on your trip isnt the end of the world.
Chris, and every one, take it easy on the roads, chill out and just go with the flow, stop and have a break every couple of hours or so, an extra 15 minutes on your trip isnt the end of the world.
yes i agree brian slow and steady for sure we all have plenty of time i will be stopping for a allday breakfast at the mobile servo at howard and then heading to john and jackyfor a catch up and then its time barra time
FF, beter a nana nap on the side of the road mate then some of the crap that happens on that goat track of a highway
As you all know and what I've already complained about a few times, we won't be at the Inaugural Mondy Muster due to other commitments etc
But (and here's the rub) we really would rather be there than in brissy this weekend. Because we can't be there in body I have organised with Roo & Kim for all of you to have a drink on us during your fishing adventures, so at least we can be there in spirit.
If you have it on the water please drink responsibly and if you have it around the campfire go for it! Enjoy with our compliments.
Payback is that we would like to see heaps of pics of barra on bragmats!!
Pete (& Kyle)
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
NAGG, when do you hit the road?
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!