Northerlys now...going tommorrow night when moon rises...good night fish sooths the soul!!!!
yeah plain cruel got to get my spare fixed tomorrow its a tad flat and wont hold air ummmmmmmmmm .
Spud and I were going tonight but apparently its fathers day...and theres a slim hope of a special fathers day present...according to the wives!!
but women are very similar to the fish.....when you can work out when there going to come on the bite....well you have the 'secret'
cheers steve
Spud is a sure thing...he got 2nd in todays ABT bass electric comp....abssolutley stoked!!!.....I think Rob (setthehook) won!!! Spud (being the dumbass he is) couldnt remember who won..but it sounded like Rob....if so well done mate!!!
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
woohoo i won!!! wish i was there too see it!! lmao... what did i catch?
Ha ha ha......sorry Rob...he sort of decribed you and said.."I think his name was Rob baraa...berrr or smething'''....I said' Rob Barrett...figuring it would be you.....!!!!
Oh well...
But yes Chris, Spud was stoked!!! got 2.85 kg of fish in first 1/2 hour!!! on one of MY surface lures!!!!...he did well....had a plan different from the rest and it paid off.
I qualified last comp scraping into 4th at we will fish together in the final!!!
I am sure there will be bragging rights associated!!!
cheers Steve
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Yeah i forgot about that tree. The muster tree is only for the muster because the muster attracts the amount of people required to move the damn thing. That tree will burn for 2 years
Im pumped now and can't wait and I am also bringing all my bass gear in case a change of species is required for 1 morning.
Any one else bringing thier bass gear?
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!