Today would be a fine day to go for the summit ...... aka 3000 posts (Spring time)
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
You will have kimmy sitting in the background somewhere waiting to pounce on the 3000th post or nagg lol
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
OK so I have just caught up on the last 3 pages of dribble, to recap.
Miss anything ??
- The hat is gettin a new rig.
- Nip is having an extra sleep over
- Chris is back in Brizvagas
- Wobblehead has run out of beer and has the big bed all to himself
- Kimmoie is gonna pounce on the 3000th post
- Chris is gonna get someone else to fix his busted ass trailer
- I have an ever growing pile in the shed.
- Brian is a sneaky bugga, but we knew that.
No Pete i think you have pretty much summed up the last few pages keep up the good work the only thing you missed was deano was hoping his pussy did not get pierced by some owner hooks he left in the tuppaware boat or he wood have a vet bill as well
Chris, pleased you got your hangers sorted
Thanks Pete, I gave up trying to read all the back posts. I have been spending my time fishing
unbelievable prinny, you really BALLSED THAT UP HEY!
Really the muster mob, how could there be a better mob to spend your birthday with? I can vouch for it. What is wrong with your daughter? I could even make her a special candle.
Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.The Rest is just Wasted!
To The Shed.............
i think you covered it all pete but hey not long now i might have a play in the shed myslefd tonight and swim some ideas in the pool for balance testing
darryl you still on holidays you lucky bugger have ya been in the maroochy or back out to sommerset ?
God put me on earth to accomplisha certain number of things,right now i am so far behindi will never die.