Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
God put me on earth to accomplisha certain number of things,right now i am so far behindi will never die.
So what about a Donga at Awoonga for a night or two After the Muster or Before?
Any one interested?
I haven't been for a while TREV but they used to be good? air conditioned and with four bunks and a BBQ.. Two of them if enough are interested?
Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.The Rest is just Wasted!
To The Shed.............
sounds ok to me
dont want this puppy hiding in the back lots on page 2 now do we??
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
By this time in 4 months ..... celebrations should be well under way & we could be hailing a new Muster Master
Cheers all
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Funny thing mate, I think the original intent of the Muster was to get us all back on some barra water after a winter break, kick out the moths and blow off the cob webs, some how I dont think we will be seeing that break this time round!
The pressure is on to kick me off my little cloud
I agree with Brian - a few warm up sessions could be in order! Even though I don't want to be greedy and hog the trophy too long (although wouldn't mind 2 in a row) and will have a great time at the muster regardless of who wins the trophy - everyones a winner
Nah, all the trips before are just an excuse to get away from the world, sit around a fire, and drink beer, with some lure casting practice during the day light hours. I mean c'mon, we are talking winter fishing here, chill baby, chill, even I dont get out of bed "to" early!