I am due for a visit to Yamba for Luderick. Last time I was down in May Luderick were scarce. Usually in August they are on the middle wall . Would like to hear from anyone with latest info. Thanks Len.
I am due for a visit to Yamba for Luderick. Last time I was down in May Luderick were scarce. Usually in August they are on the middle wall . Would like to hear from anyone with latest info. Thanks Len.
I was there last week and got a few on the Iluka walls near the harbour entrance. I don't take my boat when I go to Iluka so I can't say how the middle wall was fishing but there were very few boats fishing it when I was there - mostly one or two on the whole middle wall at any time.
Cheers Freeeedom
The season peaked about a fortnight ago and since has been dropping off. Hopefully we're due for another peak. Got 16 on collis wall a week ago and along the iluka boat harbour wall. Best catches this season have been on the rocky banks near the yamba tavern. Bagged out 4 sessions in a row.
Surely am mate. You should go good, went for a spin this arvo and there are a few fish being taken on the breakwalls. Im back at uni now so probably won't be able to get back out again this season. Good luck