Fisheries is conducting a review of the Rocky reef fin fishery including a review of Snapper, Pearl Perch and Jew bag and size limits in Queensland. The difference in size and bag limits of these species between Qld and NSW is also on the agenda.
I have been nominated by a Moderator of Ausfish to be one of the three representatives of the interests of recreational fishing. I will attend a working group at the Gold Coast on Monday and Tuesday 4 and 5 August. The working Group has representatives from recreational fishing (3), commercial fishing (3), Charter fishing (2), retail tackle industry (2) and various reps from Fisheries both Qld and NSW.
Sadly I will miss out on a trip on "Alexander" planned for Monday 4 Aug to chase snapper on the Barwon Banks.
My mind is open at this stage and I note that there will be public meetings arranged during August - early September for comments on any proposals arising from the working group.
As far as I am aware I am the only member of Ausfish on the working group so any constructive thoughts and ideas on this matter are welcomed.