Have read some interesting stuff in here , and it has given me a genuine giggle. Thought to myself I wonder how many "HOLY S%$T" situations have people been in.
EG, I was sitting in my 4.5 mtr savage out on a lovely little reef about 15 k,s offshore, theres ALWAYS something there for fun, however things were really quiet , unusually so.. Well anyway I start a berley trail up, and about 15 mins later these three big long toms roll up in the trail, All about 1mtr in length. I was quite fascinated watching them when.........HOLY MCF**K the world erupts out of the ocean about 10 feet off the back of the boat. A MASSIVE shark is in full twisting torpedo flight nailing one of the long toms, he got half of it ,the other half seriously made about 15 ft into the air before coming down. I didnt exactly get the time to throw a tape measure across the big bitey thing, but it was at least as long as my little boat. Enough said, I pulled anchor and left him to his patch.