I am looking at bring in a fishing Reel from the USA & want to know if i will be charged any import taxes?? Has anyone elso done this, were you charged duty & how much was it??
I am looking at bring in a fishing Reel from the USA & want to know if i will be charged any import taxes?? Has anyone elso done this, were you charged duty & how much was it??
If it's under $1000.00 and comes into this country by post you will not be charged anything. If it comes by courier (UPS or DHL or Fedex ) they can if the like, collect the tax and charge you their fee for doing it. Post Office is the go if you can.
There is a free trade agreement with Aus and USA. The most you can expect is to pay 10% GST. I looked into this when I was lloking at importing a boat
that is assuming the reel is " made in the usa " . you will need a letter from the manufacturer proving it is as well .
here is some info for you
I have imported fishing gear including rods, reels, lures and sp's about 6-7 times with no issues with tax or duties.
for items over $1000. 5% import fee and then 10% on the item cost, import fee and postage.
bully anything under a thou you wont get charge duty tax.
(when Im dead) my biggest FEAR is that my wife will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it.........
Found out the hard way over here in France, import tax is 30-40% of the value of the imported product! Started sending all my ordered items to my house in Australia when I found out it was nothing for products under $1000. Only problem is I have to wait a year to play with them!
Don't play stupid with me...I'm better at it!
ive imported guitars in the past and aussie customs charges import duty and GST if the value of goods including import duty is over $400.00 (pretty sure of this).... they have in their rules... a and/or clause that makes the 400 apply.... a guitar from usa valued at $400 with $60 postage costs cost me $70=+change in duty and GST....unless rules were changed in last year or so that would apply...i had to supply customs with a paypal invoice to prove cost (or they would estimate....)...
so if you can get an invoice total for say $300... then youre safe..
they have their rules on site.... google australian customs....
hope this helps
cheers Chris
ps... gst is charged on cost + postage + customs duty....... yeah i recon thats double tax too....
Last edited by Ozie_3; 31-07-2008 at 06:25 AM. Reason: PS
I just got a reel from USA and it cost $35 postage and fees but it was sent as a gift .
MIKE, I've imported 000's of items some high priced over the threshold & many under.
I've been BUSTED also.
You're going to get all sorts of conflicting replies as has been the case so far & short of starting an arguement the easiest way is to get the info from the "horses mouth"
Here's all you'll require:
8.30am – 4.00pm. Monday – Friday.
Ph: 1800 011 018
FAX: 03 9339 1500
EMAIL: mgfimports@customs.gov.au
WEBSITE: www.customs.gov.au
Melbourne Gateway Facility
Att: Customs
P/O Box 1361
Tullamarine Business Centre
Vic., 3043.
I kept this info for next time I get done.
Boys i have bought rods and reels from all over the world.
If it is sent through aussie post you wont pay a thing in tax unless the item is over 1k. Even then items i have bought over 1k in value sometimes slip through.
For fishing reports, fishing info, new techniques and fishing news read;
Savvy Fishing Blog
To avoid issues try and buy for under AU$1000 per item and shipped seperately. Otherwise it can be a pain in the ass unless it gets sent via Fedex who look after the customs clearance etc for a fee. If it's sent by US mail and it's over AU$1000 in value it's a trip to customs at the airport and some annoying paperwork.
Been doing it for years with expensive audio equipment.