Im after a set of good quality Small Bolt Cutters.....something that will cut Owner trebbles.......plenty of cheap cutters around but not up to the task...any assistance in where would be appreciated.......Cheers Whitto
Im after a set of good quality Small Bolt Cutters.....something that will cut Owner trebbles.......plenty of cheap cutters around but not up to the task...any assistance in where would be appreciated.......Cheers Whitto
Nipex (spelling?) side cutters should do the trick.
known in the mechanical and electric trades as one of the best cutter money can buy. I'm sure they will cut trebbles.
whitto, might I suggest a little more practice with the casting mate??![]()
I carry a set of 9" long nose pliers, buy them at bcf for around 35 bucks, I know from personal experience they will cut through vmc 6x trebles and mustad 7766 6/0 singles, amazeing what you can cut through when youve got one hook of a 3 gang embedded in ya thumb, and the other 2 hooks embedded in 6kg of snapper carrying on like a pork chop on the deck
problem with side cutters for cutting hooks is that you will destroy the cutting blade edge, they are designed to cut copper cable, I never loan my sidies to other tradies on site -
hey mate, can I borrow ya cutters
what for mate
just wanna cut these nails off
dont think so china
I've only had the pleasure the once Brian......Front trebble in the mouth of Barra,,,,back trebble inbedded in my gut......while I was in pain grabbed pliers and yanked it out....had to have a sit down after that on Brian but it sure as hell didn't spoil my day having to sit up at a Hospital for 3hrs.....I see it as a bit of insurance to use small boltcutter if the trebble is well embedded......Roll on early September keen as....Cheers Whitto
I got a pair of Nipex that I've had since being an apprentice mechanic and i have to tell you ive cut things that i needed to belt the grips with a hammer. Are they damaged? Yes but they still cut better than cheap cutters.
i havent cut trebbles before but I'm sure i have cut things just as tough.
[quote=Whitto;871184]I've only had the pleasure the once Brian......Front trebble in the mouth of Barra,,,,back trebble inbedded in my gut /quote]
mate, the mind boggles, must have been an owner![]()
In all seriousness, cant help with the bolties, but it is a good idea, specially if fishin solo
Hey neil, spoken like a true mechanic, specially that part bout belting a sparkies finese tool with a hammer lol![]()
yup, they will keep cuttin, just not a fine, clean cut on cable, thats what I meant mate, spose looking after the cutting edge wouldnt matter a heck of a lot when ya want to shear off a treble sticken in ya![]()
All you need is a set of 9'' Crescent wire nips.
The type steel-fixers use. They're brilliant, will cut trebles like a hot knife through butter.
Reasonably priced too.
hey whitto sent you a pm mate did u get it?
"True Blue"
i got a pair of fencers tongs that will cut 6mm high tensile hard drawn wire without any dramas. Bunnings often has them for sale. Not what i would call precision tools however as the closest you will get the tongs to cut near a face is about 6mm away.
Checkout the Crescent brand nips whitto. You can get them from good hardware stores.
They'll cut to about 1mm from the face of the tool, nearly flush.
I got a cheap pair of Toledo Bolt cutters from supa cheap for $15....about 8-9 inch size. fortunately haven't "needed" to cut an Owner but I tested it out on an old VMC 3xx and it was fine with no damahe. They did manage to chop off some SS screws that i couldn't budge also with no ill effects to the cutting edge. I don't imagine they will do the job fore long.....just once or twice is all the insurance i need.
Cheers Roo.