thanks local guy keep us up 2 date hey. cant wait 4 friday
i onlyt got 3 all up so we c how we go ??
hOpin 4 good conditions to go way out wide to the big one"s, REDS I C REDS.......
thanks local guy keep us up 2 date hey. cant wait 4 friday
i onlyt got 3 all up so we c how we go ??
hOpin 4 good conditions to go way out wide to the big one"s, REDS I C REDS.......
No Mate Should Be Ok I Think We C Some Reds Id Say, Keep In Touch Weather Pritty Good At Moment Under Point 5 Swell 30 Klms Off Shore , Calm In Rocky At Moment,........
That Might Be On The Cards Hey We C Closer To The Day Ok
Finaly I Got My Gallery Up And Running Thanks Guys 4 Yer Help
Not Long Now Lol
for those people coming from afar, here are a couple of weather pages i look at. - web cam
hope this is of use to a few of yas coming up this weekend.
Tip guys, if ever I offer to be a deckie for an offshore trip, quickly say all places are taken!:tongue:
The weather always turns crap, seems to happen everytime we organise a charter trip too
I'll get some offshore fishing in one day!!!
Thanks for the offer again MY ALIBI. Turns out the SEQ forecast is also crap tomorrow, moreton bay 25knts so cant even go for a fish down here. Good opportunity to tidy up all the loose ends on my boatHope you guys clean up big time Sat night, send me a red in the post will ya!
mate i feel terrible if they have express frozen packs sure thing i will hey.....
a shame you so far away andy ill put up our post on sunday till next time , some time soon andy....