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Making it easier to read your posts
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Thread: Making it easier to read your posts

  1. #1

    Making it easier to read your posts

    i guess most of the posters on here probably don't think about the way their posts read on the forum, but i would humbly like to suggest a couple of ideas to make it more enjoyable to read your wise and funny words

    • spacing - why not use your 'enter' button to space out the sentences between different points you are making.
      it takes the words to a new line and is much easier to read.
    • most probably as we age our sight deteriorates so choose a larger size for your post from the drop down menu located next to the font box at the top of the message box. your readers will appreciate it being easier to read

    • the font automatically selected is 'Verdana'. you can stamp your own style by using a different font. i tend to always use 'Comic Sans' size '3'. but there are heaps to choose from, so why not find one you like?

      ; arial black; arial narrow; book antiqua; century gothic; comic sans; courier new; fixedsys; franklin gothic medium; garamond; georgia; impact; lucida console; lucida sans unicode; microsoft sans serif; palatino linotype; system; tahoma; times new roman; trebuchet ms; verdana

      i typed all of the above font names in size 3. as you can see, some fonts are larger and more s p a c e d out than others.

    • why not use a different colour? one that's easy to read.
      when i am scrolling thru' heaps of posts, it makes it much easier to read what i wrote when i see the colour.
    • underline?

    • BOLD

    • ITALICS?

    • i mostly don't bother with Capitalising my sentences. i'm not suggesting everyone ignore that "rule" of grammar. i just find it easier not having to think about whether or not to put the capital letter in. BUT IT IS MUCH HARDER TO READ A LOT OF WRITING IF IT IS ALL DONE IN CAPITALS. ask anyone who has used power point or overhead presentations to an audience...

    • love your smilies. they add a lot of meaning and humour and tell a story of their own. just use the ones in the side box, or click on 'More' and check out the fun icons you could use.

      i love this one - i like to pretend that is what i look like
      ( dreamin')

      can you tell i am fuming about something?

      this is supposed to be 'whip', but it looks like something else to me

      when i am being far too blonde (and i'm brunette)

      what it feels like to bring up teenagers at times

    • of course, none of this really matters. it is far more important to read what you have to say. if you can be bothered, it does make it more pleasurable for the readers if you get a bit creative! Have a go!
    • if you think this is bad, just wait until i have a go at some common mis-substitutions of words
      e.g. their, they're and there etc.
    you gotta love me, i'm a redhead !!!

    The body is evil .... it must be punished.

  2. #2

    Re: Making it easier to read your posts

    I'm a Verdana freek .... my favourite font, but adding abit of colour and a larger size does definately make it easier to read.

    Thanks for the suggestions - I've spent far too much time in Purebred Dog threads to bother with making it look good

    Time to expand my horizons !!
    Shut Up and Eat Fish !!
    ..... Love My Haines Hunter .....

  3. #3

    Re: Making it easier to read your posts

    When I want to see an image/pic I open it in a new tab/window.
    Just right click the image.

    Then I dont have to use the back button and reload the page I was just viewing.
    This saves HEAPS of time.

    Dunno about all the fonts tho. Most of us use 'Quick Reply' which doesnt have lots of options.


    PS - check out the Firefox sticky on the Help section if you want your pages to load faster.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Making it easier to read your posts

    An influx of pink posts are coming me thinks..

  5. #5

    Re: Making it easier to read your posts

    Quote Originally Posted by iricangi View Post
    An influx of pink posts are coming me thinks..
    hehe ... I was going to on my first post but opted for Purple instead ... arrrrrrrhhhh much better
    Shut Up and Eat Fish !!
    ..... Love My Haines Hunter .....

  6. #6

    Re: Making it easier to read your posts

    I am going to colour like this in protest until the pink thing stops..... not really, that made me feel sick doing that !!!

  7. #7
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Making it easier to read your posts

    Here comes the migraines with all this multi coloured text..I'll have to wear sunnys whilst reading.
    cheers Terry

  8. #8

    Re: Making it easier to read your posts

    It's all black & white to me, although the size does matter!

  9. #9
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
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    Aug 2001

    Re: Making it easier to read your posts

    iTs A BLOODIE fUsHiNg CITE, NOT a BLOODY eNgLuSh Lesson

  10. #10
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: Making it easier to read your posts

    get rid of the is an appalling colour to try and read anything.
    smilies are stupid bloody things that should be banned...but I suppose they keep the kiddies happy.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member 4x4frog's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Making it easier to read your posts

    I don't care what size, colour or race the written words are, I'd just like to see more people use punctuate better. It's difficult to read sometimes when people neglect to use a capital at the start of a new sentence. It isn't like you are yelling for just that letter FFS.
    Yes, I know it's a physhing site but it amkes you look stoopid if you can't write proper, it's just the same as some lame ass carrying on with 'you know' like and everythinK in their speech.. .ARGHHHH............or dumb footballers who start evey sentence with 'Yeah No' ?????????????? What is it with bogans and the yeah no crap?

  12. #12
    Ausfish Gold Member Nic's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Making it easier to read your posts

    I think posts are easier to read when they're NOT in various colours, but that's just me!

    As for spelling, I don't equate it with a cure for cancer but when it comes to posting, isn't the idea to get your point across? It's an uphill battle doing that if your spelling makes your post confusing, or simply a chore to read. If someone's spelling is really bad I often skip to another post rather than continue wading through the phonetic jungle. I suspect many other members would do the same.

    I reckon the easiest solution is to use the Mozilla Firefox browser which has an automatic spell check... very useful.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: Making it easier to read your posts

    Quote Originally Posted by 4x4frog View Post
    dumb footballers who start evey sentence with 'Yeah No'
    Surely they just mean "maybe"? That's what I always felt "yes and no" meant... Doesn't it just grate your nerves? But normally it's "Yeah Nar"

    But I am a pompous git. I like this font and size, and I'm fairly picky about grammar and spelling. I tolerate the stuff I see here, because, while they can't spell, they fish, so they can't be all bad!

    I hate emoticons, too, Pinhead, but if you don't use them, sometimes folks take you the wrong way.


    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Making it easier to read your posts

    Quote Originally Posted by webby View Post
    iTs A BLOODIE fUsHiNg CITE, NOT a BLOODY eNgLuSh Lesson

    I had so two blokes(early twenties) deliver some furniture and got talking about fishing and boy! they were good boaties and fishermen but when I asked for a receipt one of them could not write (and said so) so handed the receipt book to the other bloke(who scratched it out). I was shocked, must have skipped school to go fishing. Sad really.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member dogsbody's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Making it easier to read your posts

    I Hate When Every Word Starts With A Capitol Letter. It's Bloody Hard For The Eye To Follow.

    Avast ye matey!

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