i guess most of the posters on here probably don't think about the way their posts read on the forum, but i would humbly like to suggest a couple of ideas to make it more enjoyable to read your wise and funny words
- spacing - why not use your 'enter' button to space out the sentences between different points you are making.
it takes the words to a new line and is much easier to read.
- most probably as we age our sight deteriorates so choose a larger size for your post from the drop down menu located next to the font box at the top of the message box. your readers will appreciate it being easier to read
- the font automatically selected is 'Verdana'. you can stamp your own style by using a different font. i tend to always use 'Comic Sans' size '3'. but there are heaps to choose from, so why not find one you like?
arial; arial black; arial narrow; book antiqua; century gothic; comic sans; courier new; fixedsys; franklin gothic medium; garamond; georgia; impact; lucida console; lucida sans unicode; microsoft sans serif; palatino linotype; system; tahoma; times new roman; trebuchet ms; verdana
i typed all of the above font names in size 3. as you can see, some fonts are larger and more s p a c e d out than others.
- why not use a different colour? one that's easy to read.
when i am scrolling thru' heaps of posts, it makes it much easier to read what i wrote when i see the colour.
- underline?
- i mostly don't bother with Capitalising my sentences. i'm not suggesting everyone ignore that "rule" of grammar. i just find it easier not having to think about whether or not to put the capital letter in. BUT IT IS MUCH HARDER TO READ A LOT OF WRITING IF IT IS ALL DONE IN CAPITALS. ask anyone who has used power point or overhead presentations to an audience...
- love your smilies. they add a lot of meaning and humour and tell a story of their own. just use the ones in the side box, or click on 'More' and check out the fun icons you could use.
i love this one - i like to pretend that is what i look like
can you tell i am fuming about something?
this is supposed to be 'whip', but it looks like something else to me
when i am being far too blonde (and i'm brunette)
what it feels like to bring up teenagers at times
- of course, none of this really matters. it is far more important to read what you have to say. if you can be bothered, it does make it more pleasurable for the readers if you get a bit creative! Have a go!
you gotta love me, i'm a redhead !!!
- if you think this is bad, just wait until i have a go at some common mis-substitutions of words
e.g. their, they're and there etc.![]()
blackjenny xxx