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Thread: Humanely killing fish

  1. #31

    Re: Humanely killing fish

    2 many lures...this site is about educating others who want to know. A lot of people who have landed a fish have what do I do with it.
    Nothing wrong with wanting to know how to despatch of your catch as efficiently and humanely as possible. To some people that sort of thing is important.
    Each to his own.

  2. #32

    Re: Humanely killing fish

    Quote Originally Posted by Little grey men View Post
    2 many lures...this site is about educating others who want to know. A lot of people who have landed a fish have what do I do with it.
    Nothing wrong with wanting to know how to despatch of your catch as efficiently and humanely as possible. To some people that sort of thing is important.
    Each to his own.
    I have no qualms with educating & do take other people's sensitivity into consideration as well as seriously. I will generally do my upmost to help anyone with a genuine honest problem.

    However I cannot handle hypocrisy & that is what this is.

    Here’s the scenario from a sensitive point of view.

    A poor fish is swimming around watching it's back looking out for predators trying to have a feed when all of a sudden it picks up a morsel {possible live bait}

    As it swims on to find a little more its head is almost ripped from the rest of the body. The tooth ache is far less painful than the almost broken neck

    After a struggle it’s dragged to this great big thing sitting in the middle of the ocean and makes one last ditched effort to swim to safety, all to no avail.

    Absolutely terrified this creature is lifted out its natural environment for the very 1st time in its life, hanging on the end of a hook by its mouth, staring at some humungous ugly big scary creature.

    Gasping for breath & struggling to free itself from the sharp object tearing at the inside of its mouth etc, etc Need I go on? ...........................

    How could anyone show any genuine concern regarding cruelty after committing horrendous acts as above in the 1st instance?

    Get real or don't go fishing in the 1st place if ya fairdinkum.... NOTHING SHORT OF MORBID HYPOCRISY!

    AND if releasing them makes you feel better then that's even bloody worse.

  3. #33

    Re: Humanely killing fish

    I can certainly understand your thinking...but I guess it's a case of ...don't think about it too much or it will drive you nuts.
    I see that you practice catch and release fishing. Do you use a suitable landing net to protect the fish as much as possible? or do you gaff them all because they've already been through hell ? Do you limit their time out of the water or think, nah stuff it, if it can handle a hook in the gob it can hold its breath for another minute ? I think someone with your fishing years and knowledge would have to respect these fish a lot.
    A lot of other people respect these fish as well, and that carries over to despatching them quickly and humanely.
    Hypocricy or makes people feel comfortable, so let them feel comfortable.
    Thats just the way it works.

    ps "big humongous scary ugly face" speak for yourself mate..the fish always smile when they see me

  4. #34

    Re: Humanely killing fish

    I've Personally Never Been Dipped Headfirst Into An Ice Slurry, But Judging By The Burning Hands When I've Dipped My Hands In I Guess It Would Be A Quick And Certain Death, Seriously Though If You Want To Kill A Flathead Quickly, Grasp The Body In One Hand Firmly And The Snout In The Other And Quickly Snap It's Head Downwards Not Upwards Until You Hear A Click Very Quick Death Mate.

  5. #35

    Re: Humanely killing fish

    I don't actually boat fish these days {haven't for many yrs} as I don't keep them.

    I use barbless hooks for quick easy removal.

    I'm also very passionate about my fishing & not only respect the fish but those anglers who do the right thing.

  6. #36
    Ausfish Gold Member Nic's Avatar
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    Re: Humanely killing fish

    I wouldn't call it hypocrisy, it's just that every human being draws the line somewhere. I don't eat veal because I don't like the way veal calves are treated, but I still eat beef because I feel those cattle have a better life. Don't know if that makes me a hypocrite or not... but I tend to think that hypocrites are the ones who boast about their lofty morals, and I don't believe anyone in this thread has done that. Some are just asking for suggestions, and others are providing them.

    As an aside, one of my science colleagues did an extensive practical study on whether fish can feel pain as mammals do. All evidence indicates that fish can feel some discomfort, but not pain as we know it. If you think about it, if fish felt pain at being hooked, wouldn't they swim towards the pressure rather than away? And why do the same fish get hooked over and over, sometimes in the same session?

    I personally don't think we need to feel too bad about hooking and reeling in a fish, provided we don't use overly light gear and exhaust it. (Again, my own personal line drawn in the sand!)

  7. #37

    Re: Humanely killing fish

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  8. #38

    Re: Humanely killing fish

    This is how I see it. A member has asked for suggestions on how to best kill his catch to minimise suffering to the fish. He appears to enjoy his fishing and must enjoy eating the fish he catches. If you have a suggestion for this member on how to best kill his catch, then give it.

    What would Steve do?

    fortes fortuna adjuvat

  9. #39
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Aug 2007

    Re: Humanely killing fish

    yep - lets get back on track.

    can anyone tell me where to get an ikijime tool from please? chandleries sell them?

  10. #40
    Ausfish Gold Member Nic's Avatar
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    Re: Humanely killing fish

    I got mine from StrikeBack, here is a link to it so you can see what it's like:

    I believe L.Wilson ( and Black Pete ( each do one too, although it may not appear on their website. If you contact them through, they may be able to tell you your nearest stockist.

  11. #41
    Ausfish Bronze Member KGW3's Avatar
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    Re: Humanely killing fish


    I don't understand your Point of view ? Do you fish or not ? If you do and you say catch and release is just as bad as as catch and kill.. You will be extremely outnumbered on this site. I also have a few problems with killing fish, but realise that I am just a member of the the most destructive, cruel and insensitive species on the planet... a Human Being.. And You are what You is...

  12. #42
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Humanely killing fish

    Quote Originally Posted by mik01 View Post
    yep - lets get back on track.

    can anyone tell me where to get an ikijime tool from please? chandleries sell them?
    I bought an cheap flat bladed screwdriver, drilled a whole in the blade then grinded the blade to a point.
    I use the blade to brain-spike the fish (my prefered method) and other use is to thread a piece of twine into the drilled hole and spike a mullet and pull the twine through to to tie off as crab pot bait. The screwdriver hasn't badly rusted as yet.

  13. #43

    Re: Humanely killing fish

    Quote Originally Posted by For Steve View Post
    This is how I see it. A member has asked for suggestions on how to best kill his catch to minimise suffering to the fish. He appears to enjoy his fishing and must enjoy eating the fish he catches. If you have a suggestion for this member on how to best kill his catch, then give it.

    For the very few fish I do kill I've found a quick hard blow to the brain using something with an edge {back of heavy knife, piece of steel or similar} visually seems to be the quickest, less stressful way including spiking

    Surprised no-one has mentioned this.

  14. #44

    Re: Humanely killing fish

    Quote Originally Posted by Nic View Post
    The fact that the Japanese invented brain spiking for tuna, to produce the best sashimi possible, gives the practice extra weight in my book. They're very particular about the quality of the flesh, which can fetch a lot of $$ if it's top quality, so I figure they must be on to something.
    Nic & others, Brain spiking is only for cosmetic reasons. It has absolutely nothing to do with flesh quality.
    Prior to this method being used it was clubs or similar, if at all. The Japanese market dictated what they wanted fresh fish to look like when being sold in the wholesale markets. No other reason.

    To produce the best sashimi, it was & may still be, best practise too, after cosmetically killing {spiking} the fish to insert a corkscrew into the brain & remove it. Apparantly the brain will transfer a small amount of heat for a short period of time to various parts of a fishes body & partially cook some flesh.

    Bleeding of the fish is done by a small slit {app 1/2"} behind the pectoral fin.

    Gutting of the fish is via the mouth.

    Preservation is by means of ice slurry.

    For sashimi, the Japanese prefer the larger/est Tuna as they have a higher fat content.

    When all the above have been carried out immediately & correctly you have a fish that looks good, has no bruising, is clean inside, blood free, with pristine flesh & although dead looks as if it came straight out of the water.

  15. #45

    Re: Humanely killing fish

    Quote Originally Posted by KGW3 View Post

    I don't understand your Point of view ? Do you fish or not ? If you do and you say catch and release is just as bad as as catch and kill.. You will be extremely outnumbered on this site.
    The point I'm making if you cared to read & take it all in is the fact that the catching of a fish is more stressful than the killing.

    I'm saying that if anyone has a fairdinkum, heart felt passion about any form of cruelty as has been mentioned here releasing the fish does not justify the cruelty of catching it.

    I also believe in each to there own but at least be fairdinkum about your principles & morals.

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