ok friday arvo, i had jew on my mind so i hit up one of my spots in maroochy.
i put a big live mullet out on the big rod and sent him out and waited and waited and waited.
in the mean time i burlied up with bread and some old bait (pillies and prawns and squid) that some grot had left there.
soon there was heaps of bream slurping all the bread up so i could not help my self, i put some bread on a hook and sent it out under a float(black fish styal) and soon has a stedy stream of nice fat bream to keep my ocupied wile i waited for the zzzzz of the big rod.
i fished there till 10pm but the only thing hitting my mullet was bream, biteing off the heads of the mullet( i went thrugh heaps).
saturday i woke early (befor sunrise) so i set out for the jew again at the same spot.
1 hour passes and nothing wanted my big plastics and the sun was still not up yet, so i made the call and moved to the rocks at yaroomba.
i got there and chucked out a heap of burly.
(the sea was awsome) and i started to hammer the water with every slice and slug that i own, not one hit. i then tryed every plastic i own, not a hit. but again the bream started to boil on the bread so on went a bit under the float again and as soon as it hit the water the float go's under, i wait 2 secs and strike...... thump THUMP ZZZZZZ WOOOOHOO 5 mins later i wash a verry fat 39cm bream (fork length) on to the rocks.
i then got a heap more and some black and yellow striped fish untill i ran out of bread.
i then tryed some poppers and some walkthedog type lures to try and get something other than a bream and i did get hit on some timber wolf walkthedog type lure i got from a moden fishing mag, but it failed to hook up.
i then tryed hb's and on the first cast with the xrap, i felt a bump. the next cast i got hit again so i slowed the retrive up a bit and started twitching hard and bang, wow im on, huge butter bream had taken my lure. i chucked him back and cast again bang yeeehee. a nother butter bream. i then got 6 more befor they wised up. then i changed lure to some long skinny river to sea minnow thing and got one more on it, them i tryed my baby merlin on them butter bream and nailed a nother one on the bright yellow merlin.
i then had to get moving but i had to stop at twin waters on the way home for a few last casts. i put on my modifide mid minmin and nailed 3 (28cm) more bream befor i had to get home.
sunday i had a half day to play with so i went back to twinnies to harass some more bream.
i had finnish modifying my unproductive strike pro pigmy so i was keen to give it a bash and it swam to the left so after a slite adjustment, on the second cast of the morn i got the crunch and a nice little 25cm bream came to my hand, yesssss it works. i then blized the bream with all of the suckers coming from the open water and not on the edges like they usally are, it was great but i had to go to the loo real bad so my mind was not on the job to well.
i soon found a porter potty on a worksite so i snuck in and relived the presher hehe but again i could not help my self, i had a cast in there back yard and crunch zzzzzzz o my zzzzzz jump yessss its a queenie. i soon had the little feller under control and i gave him a quick measher on the loomis truth stick and it read 45cm to the fork. i was stoked.
i then got a nother bream on the next cast and moved befor i could get in any trubble. i then got a hole heap more bream from all my other spots and the pigmy was working just ace untill the hooks on the lure got to stuffed from all the fish id been getting on it and (it was my last good pair of trebbles) i soon found the bream i have been looking for all my life. it was huge, maybe even a 50cm (bloody huge) and it fallowed my lure for ages, swimming with a pack, with lots of avrage size bream that would shoot ahead and hit my pigmy but not hook up. as the lure got to my feet the big sucker was still fallowing and i paused the lure and it darted left then right then back to the left again(all the time the lure was moshonless) and then he skoffed the lure, yesss i yelled and i hooked the bugger but after 2 seconds the blunt hooks pulled. you could hear me from two blocks away, i was devastated as i dont no if i will ever see a bream like that size again around here. i did land a few more after i gave the hooks a sharpen but nun of them like the big bruser i had lost. i did get a 36cm on the pigmy but the victoy could have been much sweeter if i got that fish. i still left with a grin on my face.