The Australian Greens want:
19. the management of recreational and commercial fisheries to maintain sustainable populations and fisheries, and to minimise the environmental impacts of fishing.
20. protection of fish nursery habitat.
21. environmentally benign aquaculture industries.
22. a strategy to maintain adequate, biologically representative ‘no-take’ areas within each fishery and/or marine bioregion for the conservation of marine biodiversity and fish stocks.
The Australian Greens will:
23. complete the independent ecological assessment of Australia’s commercial fisheries under the provisions of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
24. expand fisheries assessments to all Australian fisheries, including recreational fisheries, and develop and implement a national framework for managing recreational and charter fishing.
25. increase the number of Australia's marine reserves, particularly where these improve the resilience of vulnerable fish populations.
26. strengthen and continue Australia’s proactive stance on illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing, including assisting in the development of alternative employment opportunities for impoverished communities now relying on the illegal trade.
27. in cooperation with the states and territories, develop a nationally agreed framework for the assessment and regulation of aquaculture developments based on ecosystems management principles.
28. implement a moratorium on deep-sea bottom trawling in Australian waters and require by-catch reduction in all trawl fisheries.
29. maintain adequate, biologically representative ‘no-take’ areas within each fishery and/or marine bioregion.
30. ban all factory-ship based fishing in Australian pelagic fisheries.