'Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts'
'Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts'
Tangles KFC
Your tripping up, Ill handfeed you, its simple, its a quote on the truth and 'personal facts' have nothing to do with the truth.
Its an apt quote for you to consider, and as Einstein once said;
'Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods'
Tangles KFC
I agree that personal facts don't cohere with truth, because there is no such thing as a personal fact; but I was looking for a bit more. Have I said any 'personal facts'?
And you still haven't answered my question:
"Answer me this: do you think that IPCC report would have been edited by governments if the Governments had have been Green.
The reports were edited as you may recall and so the Scientific truths were altered. Obviously, the results did not favour a Greens ideology; but rather a ideology that put money before the Environment; which angered me and I imagine angered you. Did it not?"
'Better to remain silent and be thought a fool then to speak out and remove all doubt'
Tangles KFC
It's a crazy world we live in, were the crappy decisions made by our politicians are somehow misconstrued by the media to make it look like it was scientists fault. Scientists have nothing to gain from making catastrophic claims about global warming or making dodgy counts on grey nurse sharks. Maybe people should stop reading the courier mail and listening to today tonight and start reading some more primary literature. Everyone do themselves a favour and next time you hear something that doesn't sounds quite right doesn’t ask old mate down the pub what he reckons, hop onto a scientific search engine and look it up (you can view abstracts on google scholar or read entire articles at your local public or university library, I know anyone can log on as a guest at UQ). Have a read about what scientists have found out about the matter and not the bullshit interpretation that some nitwit journalist has put on it or what aspect suits Mr Springborg/Rudd/Browns political agenda and come up with your own opinion based on the facts as they are presented for all to see.
Stop it Timi!!! Stop it.
You are killing me!
The body is evil .... it must be punished.
That doesn't surprise me; we had our boothworkers explaining to the greens candidates and their boothworkers how the voting system works that was printed on their cards they handed out.
The core power of the greens is with only a limited few, the rest jump in based on idealogy that they are "doing the world good" yet have no real idea what it is all based on.
The only thing I would suggest you do champ is do more research. Look at the AEC and understand how the system works. More importantly look at where the money comes from, investigate the flows there and you will understand how the political system, the science, the decisions and the outcomes are reached within Australia and around the 'democratic' world.