Headed off to mud this morning for the first time ever. I must say this site is birlliant for information, i collected plenty before i went.
We got over there probably around 7 and started fishing the western side. With no sounder it was pretty difficult knowing where to fish. For the day i was using gulps and dad was using squid. He was pulling in a million tiny sweetlip, good fun but pretty pointless. I got a sweetlip on a shrimp in nuc chook (first ever fish on plastics) and after that we decided to change spots.
Not until anchoring up did we realise we could see the bottom and therefore pretty much not in deep enough water for quality fish. Still thought we'd have a try and on the same plastic in 10 minutes i pulled in 5 gar all about 35cm. Threw them all back, anyone know what they are like to eat?
So after another move i got onto a decent parrot which went in the eksi.
Around 11 thought we'd head home but on the way into the mouth we stopped at that new wall at the port. Threw in some plastic worms and got about 10 quality whiting in about 20 minutes. Went quite after that so headed home.
All up it was a pretty decent day, just disappointed i didnt get onto any squire as i'd hoped.
Cheers, Nick