Ok i mite get some flack over this but i am sick of seeing or should i say not seeing boats that travel with know lights on and moor with their lights of this is dump plain and simple.cheers
Ok i mite get some flack over this but i am sick of seeing or should i say not seeing boats that travel with know lights on and moor with their lights of this is dump plain and simple.cheers
Dumb and dangerous. Pity the Boating and Fisheries Patrol only seem to be out and about in daylight hours.
Dumb Dangerous and in breach of the Law
I have a radar for spotting them, and a 123 dB set of horns for letting them know how I feel.
This subject has been done to death, there are a couple of threads on it from recent times.
But it is tragic that while most of us do the right thing, some rock ape will kill you and tell you it's your fault.
What a depressing world we live in. Boats should have rams. "Oh, sorry mate, I didn't see you. Been plenty of sharks about, but obviously you want to swim with them. Bye..."
I wish
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
Spot on guys was out last night around mud and nearlyyyyyyyyy ran into a couple.cheers
theres an un tapped market "bullbars for boats"
ever fished the seaway or gone out through the bar in darkness.
Plenty of tinnies down there, all you will see when you are just about on top of them is a torch aimed in your eyes.
plenty of looser without lights these days.. wonder there aint more misshaps
Retired Honda Master Tech
It's as dangerous as drink driving and your a ######## if you don't have your lights working at night...
I would like to be able to afford a radar as I have nearly chopped two tinnies in halve during the night... Both were extremely close. One ###### even abused me....
No need worrying about copping any flack about it. Its just downright stupid. I bet they wouldn't go driving down the road at night with their lights off. Whats the difference?
My view now is to write down the rego and put in a complaint. Stuff them.
I was sitting on the Scarbie harbour breakwall tonight just after dark. The number of boats that went out of the harbour and tore off to wherever they were going to fish....with NO running lights was unbelievable. These guys are absolute f***wits. Its bloody hard enough when your on the water and trying to dodge the crab pots, boats WITH lights on and other hazards, without having to look out for these idiots....who usually anchor in the middle of channels, or drift in known seaways....then have the audacity to complain when you nearly run them over. The worst part of it is...if you do hit them ..you are the one in trouble because you werent 'keeping a lookout'. No escuse that ther was no way you could see them because they were breaking the law by not having their lights on.