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Thread: What has Gender got to do with it????

  1. #46

    Re: What has Gender got to do with it????

    My missus never fishes, hates the smell and only cooks the fish so i can digest them.
    I never enter comp's as theres too much back stabbing, fishing out of bounds, cheating, and most are trying to see their names in highlights.
    So couldnt give two hoots if women are not allowed to fish in the same catergory as men.

    Last edited by Lucky_Phill; 20-07-2008 at 05:51 PM.

  2. #47

    Re: What has Gender got to do with it????

    Quote Originally Posted by Xahn1960 View Post
    I don't know if I'd ever want to compete with women, my wife can out fish me any day of the week. If she didn't need someone to drive the boat I'd probably get left behind. They should keep things the way they are ! theres only so much the male ego can take

    Hear Hear, my wife is the same and she can drive the boat and she knows more fishing knots than me. I would be proud to beat her in a competition not that i probably could.
    let the woman compete on equal status if they desire.

  3. #48

    Re: What has Gender got to do with it????

    I think the reason I am single is because if fish. I tell a woman on a date i like to fish and they run away faster than a greyhound after a rabbit. Really the idea that there are women out there that fish surprises me.

  4. #49

    Re: What has Gender got to do with it????

    Quick Greg!

    Fix the spelling mistake!!! I am not even going to quote it!!!!

    To the topic, Ros, I understand why you hovered for a while before raising the post.... Total equality and no differentiation between Genders at comps should be normal, not the exception. If I were to partner with either my wife, Herm, you or any female, you are totally free to drive, choose another fishing style or location, or anything you wanted to do. That's no different to having a male deckie.

    I guess on occasion you enjoy your fishing too much to let inequality let it ruin your fun, but I would understand your dissappointment at not being able to fish ANY comp freely and without separate classifications.


  5. #50

    Re: What has Gender got to do with it????

    Roz firstly we should separate comps and clubs. In comps i think that they have different catergories so that different sponsors can get a mention to sell their wares. It's a very competitive market and without their sponsorship their would be a lot less comps around.

    In the club scene they just may well take the format from the comps. If your in a club and don't agree with the way it's set out best to bring it up at a meeting and see what can be done or put it to a vote if they do that sort of thing.

    With the all women comps I don't see what is wrong with having such a event. Is it not about celerbrating the fact that women fish as well? Also maybe because sponsors figure that they are only targeting 50% of their potential market.

    I don't think to the average joe blow it makes a difference if more women fish or not. If they want to they will. Again the 50% potential market comes into it and if it's advertised as a "Best female" catergory I'd say that is their way of targeting this market.

    Is it that bad to seen as a female who fishes, What's the harm in it.


    Quote Originally Posted by roz View Post
    Been tossing this idea for a topic around for a long time, however I've always chickened out for fear of copping a flogging. Well, I'm feeling a bit brave tonight.... tomorrow might be a different story.

    My view on fishing comps and clubs is one of all things should be equal.

    Why should there have to be a male champion and a female champion when it comes to angling clubs and comps... Why not just champion angler??

    I really don't see fishing as a sport that needs this type of divide. I will concede that males are generally physically stronger than females, but this usually has nothing to do with landing big fish, it's more a matter of endurance and skill rather than brute strength.

    I can speak from personal exerience, there is not much joy or merit in taking out a Best Female Angler trophy when you're only one of three or four females in a club of around 40 odd. I think this should also apply to junior anglers.

    There are also Female Only comps run from time to time. In your view is this the way to help more females take up the sport of fishing???? Is that fair???? Particularly when there is almost always a male driving the boat.

    On the other hand, if there were male only comps there would be an out cry.

    I would be very interested to hear views from both sides.

    Avast ye matey!

  6. #51

    Re: What has Gender got to do with it????

    roz, soz man

    But its the same for a woman it they get flogged they really dont want to fish the event again

  7. #52

    Re: What has Gender got to do with it????

    Also i think the woman comps are great

  8. #53

    Re: What has Gender got to do with it????

    Quote Originally Posted by webby View Post
    My missus never fishes, hates the smell and only cooks the fish so i can digest them.
    I never enter comp's as theres too much back stabbing, fishing out of bounds, cheating, and most are trying to see their names in lights.
    Is it the catch-and-kill comps where cheating goes on? I have never fished one so I don't know what it's like. I know there's not much scope to cheat in an ABT comp, but that's all catch and release – that, and you get randomly paired with a different boater or non-boater each day.

    Is the Fraser Expo OK? I know people who fish it every year without fail so I'm thinking it can't be that bad.

  9. #54

    Re: What has Gender got to do with it????

    Hi Roz i have never entered a comp,i just go fishing i dont look at the phases or anything because its just time to go,thats it.Dont worry about equal this or that lifes to short, enjoy the freedom we have here; while it lasts....jim

  10. #55

    Re: What has Gender got to do with it????

    Quote Originally Posted by jimbo59 View Post
    Hi Roz i have never entered a comp,i just go fishing i dont look at the phases or anything because its just time to go,thats it.Dont worry about equal this or that lifes to short, enjoy the freedom we have here; while it lasts....jim
    Good point Jim.

    I have to say I'm not big on comps, probably count the number I've entered on the fingers of one hand. They have almost always been ones that support local projects/charities etc etc, they auction off the fish at the end, you know the ones.

    I just put the gender question up as it's always puzzled me.. and why not.

    I also realise there are 'old school' gents out there that will never understand what all the fuss is about & I respect their views as their intentions are well placed. They certainly don't view females as "second class" citizens. On the other hand there are those who should know better or don't care to. Don't mean to sound harsh saying that, unfortunately it's true.

    Hey Nic,

    I have a pink fishing rod!!!! Only by default.

    It was given to me by Bear Claw (Myles) as a blank, and I built it as a boat rod...and YES I've gone the whole hog & added bling lol.

    Thought it might look good with cobia slime all over it.... I actually hate pink, I'm not the girly girly type, but in this case I've made an exception...just for fun.

    You can borrow it if you like lol!!!!

    be good



  11. #56

    Re: What has Gender got to do with it????

    Rob Tranter. As far as I can tell in your response, you havn't answered any questions, just posted up your clubs prize divisions, and they are all gender based. If some of your female members don't fish as often as the males, rewarding them with extra points when they do seems odd, at the end of the day it's their choice to compete.

    Sorry for any confusion Roz, I was trying to show that our girls don't fish as often as some of our fella's.
    As for rewarding the ladies, all members guy's, gals and juniors, get the same points just for attending an outing/comp.
    We instigated this to try and persuade a few more non fishing members to come along and join in, I agree with you, if they don't want to fish that's up to them.

    As for my opinion on your question, well if the ladies wish to compete against the lad's thats fine, I don't have a problem with which sex out fishes me. I have to agree with some others in that maybe the divisions are to try and attract more females to the sport.
    Rob T

  12. #57

    Re: What has Gender got to do with it????

    Quote Originally Posted by rob tranter View Post
    Rob Tranter. As far as I can tell in your response, you havn't answered any questions, just posted up your clubs prize divisions, and they are all gender based. If some of your female members don't fish as often as the males, rewarding them with extra points when they do seems odd, at the end of the day it's their choice to compete.

    Sorry for any confusion Roz, I was trying to show that our girls don't fish as often as some of our fella's.
    As for rewarding the ladies, all members guy's, gals and juniors, get the same points just for attending an outing/comp.
    We instigated this to try and persuade a few more non fishing members to come along and join in, I agree with you, if they don't want to fish that's up to them.

    As for my opinion on your question, well if the ladies wish to compete against the lad's thats fine, I don't have a problem with which sex out fishes me. I have to agree with some others in that maybe the divisions are to try and attract more females to the sport.
    Rob T
    No probs Rob.

    See ya in October & with a bit of luck I will kick your butt!!! One little tip for you...BRING DECENT HOOKS THIS TIME ROB.



  13. #58

    Re: What has Gender got to do with it????

    Quote Originally Posted by roz View Post

    I can speak from personal exerience, there is not much joy or merit in taking out a Best Female Angler trophy when you're only one of three or four females in a club of around 40 odd. I think this should also apply to junior anglers.
    My child comment come from that, according to your quote you want kids to compete on an adult level??Or did i read into that wrong?

    My last two lines refer to the above which is the way i read into your post.

    But if they have to compete on an adult level with top gun fisho's then they dont stand a chance. My son was wrapped just to weigh in his first fish at the R2M.

    Meaning that if he had to compete with Horse, Webby, Deckie, Phil etc he may as well weighed in the bait. SO i think the overall resoning into catergorising comps is to keep everyone keen .
    I dont think i deserved the underlined bold red comment as i have 20/20 vision and am not an idiot , and maybe i should have commented on your reasoning for your post, and not the one bit out of it that i felt strongly about.

    Anyways i couldn't careless if i entered comps if a woman flogged me , good on her, they should have to compete in the same category as men and if there good enough to get the top fish for the comp they deserve the same title.

    Off topic, but i was refering to children because that will be next no doubt.
    I think kids should be ecouraged into the sport and there own little weigh in only encourages this.
    My bad if i read into this wrong.

    Ps, Phil what did you edit out of my original post? I dont think i posted anything wrong? Or was my spelling that bad???

  14. #59

    Re: What has Gender got to do with it????

    Well I don't know about your post Crestcutter but I certainly agree with Phil's editing of Webby's post. Don't know what that 'lesser sex' thing was about, I thought that phrase died with King George.

    Thanks for the offer of the rod loan Roz but I reckon I'd never hear the end of it if I was seen using a pink rod! My tombstone would read 'Ribbed To Death'.

  15. #60

    Re: What has Gender got to do with it????

    No Nic there was no angst or sexist remarks in my post to Roz , my guess is that it was off topic. Anyways i get along with Roz and have backed her when a few of her posts have been mislead and a pack of dogs have jumped her.

    She knows what i'm about but i suppose i was off topic.

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