Been tossing this idea for a topic around for a long time, however I've always chickened out for fear of copping a flogging. Well, I'm feeling a bit brave tonight.... tomorrow might be a different story.
My view on fishing comps and clubs is one of all things should be equal.
Why should there have to be a male champion and a female champion when it comes to angling clubs and comps... Why not just champion angler??
I really don't see fishing as a sport that needs this type of divide. I will concede that males are generally physically stronger than females, but this usually has nothing to do with landing big fish, it's more a matter of endurance and skill rather than brute strength.
I can speak from personal exerience, there is not much joy or merit in taking out a Best Female Angler trophy when you're only one of three or four females in a club of around 40 odd. I think this should also apply to junior anglers.
There are also Female Only comps run from time to time. In your view is this the way to help more females take up the sport of fishing???? Is that fair???? Particularly when there is almost always a male driving the boat.
On the other hand, if there were male only comps there would be an out cry.
I would be very interested to hear views from both sides.