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Thread: New Speed Limits, Gold Coast-Jacobs Well

  1. #1

    New Speed Limits, Gold Coast-Jacobs Well

    Heard changes were coming, but wasn’t aware they were already in place (1 July 2008). Apologies if this has been posted before, I missed it…

  2. #2

    Re: New Speed Limits, Gold Coast-Jacobs Well

    Yes, it was posted by PinHead on 1/7/08.

    I was down that way on Saturday the 5th and no new speed signs were up yet. I wouldn't think they could be enforced until they are.

    Thanks anyway. T_P.

  3. #3

    Re: New Speed Limits, Gold Coast-Jacobs Well

    Thee new speed limit signs are up and are being enforced... I was near caught out, as i forgot about the speed limit changes.... Was not untill I was right on the speed limit sign did I see the it...

  4. #4

    Re: New Speed Limits, Gold Coast-Jacobs Well

    Does that mean we won't have jet skis racing down Tiger Mullet channel?

    That won't be much fun.

    Just a couple of weeks ago, one of them went past me at more than 30kts and missed the stern by a whopping two metres. He gave me a wave and he seemed surprised when I returned the compliment in the usual manner between boaties and jet skis.

    Not that it was very worrying - but so sudden and fast that I almost spilt my beer.

    Almost causing beer to be spilt is just too much.

    At 30kts there is little chance of success with a snapper head but getting back to 6kts might tip the odds in our favour.

  5. #5

    Re: New Speed Limits, Gold Coast-Jacobs Well

    lol. at 6kts, ya might get a couple of shots at them tiger.

  6. #6

    Re: New Speed Limits, Gold Coast-Jacobs Well

    Still no new signs fron Steiglitz to Cabbage Tree Point on Saturday 19/7/08.
    McKenzies Channel has though. Didn't go to Tiger Mullet.
    Regards, T_P

  7. #7

    Re: New Speed Limits, Gold Coast-Jacobs Well

    police where at stegleitz on saturday..pulled over my mate and issued him with a time it will cost him $225 and 3 point soff his drivers licence...what a joke!..

  8. #8

    Re: New Speed Limits, Gold Coast-Jacobs Well

    He must have been in the already signed 6K section through the moorings, they couldn't book you north of Steiglitz the 40K sign is still there. When I came through the moorings Saturday lunch time I saw too many boats going way to fast. Book ém all I say, some people just don't understand what NO WASH means.
    Regards, T_P

  9. #9

    Re: New Speed Limits, Gold Coast-Jacobs Well


    no, he was near the old walkers baot ramp which is north of steiglitz..
    there is a 6 knot sign at cabbage tree and i think there is one on a greem beacon across from steiglitz..
    cannot see what harm a boat under 5 m is going to do..
    it is the larger vessels that do the damage

  10. #10

    Re: New Speed Limits, Gold Coast-Jacobs Well

    Quote Originally Posted by whitingkiller View Post
    i think there is one on a greem beacon across from steiglitz.
    Yes that's the beacon, it has signs that read 6K on one side for boats going south (entering moorings) & 40K on the other side for boats going north (towards Cabbage Tree Point). If he was out wider I'd argue the fact it's signed 40K.
    He must have been booked for being too fast, too close to shore/ramp I suppose. To enforce this new limit 6K signs need to placed on the yellow Special mark & Green lateral marks out from Cabbage Tree Point(oh and that 40K sign at Steiglitz needs to come down).
    Regards, T_P

  11. #11

    Re: New Speed Limits, Gold Coast-Jacobs Well


    agree totally....typical of the authorities, lets bring in new rules but we won't do anything to make the public aware of the changes and when we catch them breaking the law, we will fine them.

    if they are going to change the rules, make sure the signage is also changed to reflect this..

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